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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Design Examples >
Nexxim RF Design Examples >
   Harmonic Balance Analysis Example >
       Open the Gilbert Cell Mixer Schematic           

Open the Gilbert Cell Mixer Schematic

Open the Gilbert Cell Mixer project in Designer from the Examples directory.

1. On the File menu, select Open Examples. The File Open window appears.

2. Open the RF_Circuit directory, then the Mixers directory, then select the file GilbertCellMixer.adsn. Click Open.

3. The schematic appears in the design window.

The core Gilbert Cell employs four NPN transistors. This is the portion of the schematic with the Gilbert cell. This block also shows two of the four input ports. Port1 includes a DC voltage source VSRC1 for all the transistors in the circuit. Port2 includes the two sinusoidal voltage signals VRF1 and VRF2.


Here is the VLO input section of the mixer. Port 3 includes the VLO sinusoidal voltage source.



This is the output section of the mixer.

The circuit has three input ports and one output port.

• Port 1 (PNUM=1) contains a 5V DC voltage source VSRC1 common to all the transistors.

• Port 2 (PNUM=2) contains two sinusoidal voltage sources, the RF inputs VRF1 and VRF2.

• Port 3 (PNUM=3) contains one sinusoidal voltage source, the local oscillator input VLO.

• Port 4 is the output port.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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