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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Window >
       Making Modifications >
           Network Transformations >
               Replacing an Element with an Inverter                   

Replacing an Element with an Inverter

You can replace an element with an “inverter + rotated element + inverter” section. The element may be of any reactance including inductors, capacitors, distributed elements and their resonators. This is an exact-equivalent transformation, however, there is no reverse complement to obtain the original circuit from the outcome.

You can also replace a transmission line with an impedance inverter. In this conversion, the inverter value is assigned to the characteristic impedance, and since length information is not used, it is simply ignored. In this sense, some information is lost and this is why the operation is not and exact-equivalent transformation. Furthermore, the transformation itself holds for a certain range of frequencies therefore it is only approximate one.


To replace an element with an inverter:

1. Select an element.

2. Click Replace with Inverter on the Filter>Transform submenu.

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