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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Wizard >
       Wizard Step 3 Specifications >
           Optimizing Passband Corners               

Optimizing Passband Corners

Some filters incorporate narrowband approximations and therefore the outcome may not have the desired passband behavior and frequency corners. A small yet effective optimization technique is implemented and made available by the Optimize Passband Corners check box. If checked, the design wizard runs an iteration by changing the specified corners internally and comparing the results. It uses the best set of variable corners to design the circuit. To avoid confusion with the user-specified corner frequencies, these variables are not displayed in the design wizard. You may view and edit them by calling Transformation Settings dialog later in the design window. They are shown as fp1 and fp2 and they constitute reference frequencies for some of the circuit transformations. If you substitute these values and do not use passband corner optimization in the design wizard, you will get the same filter circuit as expected.



Some filter topologies do not yield the exact passband shape as desired. This is due to approximations used during the design and also due to working near the physical limits of the topology. In these cases, corner optimization may not work because of unequal ripple levels and/or totally out-of-range responses. It may even return worse results than the case without optimization. If you do not want to use optimization, simply clear the check box.



Next Wizard Step ... Medium properties


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