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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Window >
       Making Modifications >
           Network Transformations >
               Kuroda Transformations                   

Kuroda Transformations

Kuroda transformation moves a transmission line over the other elements in a cascaded circuit and it is mostly used to separate distributed stub elements from each other. Having adjacent stubs is not practical for realization and inserting transmission line pieces in between is one way of overcoming this difficulty.

Although there are several other combinations, there are three basic Kuroda transformations:


Filter Design Tool implements 16 different combinations of these transformations. You can see the whole list in the Transformation Settings dialog box under Kuroda item.


To apply a Kuroda transformation:

1. Select a transmission line together with an adjacent stub or stub resonator.

2. Click Kuroda on the Filter>Transform submenu. The transmission line and stub element must have the same length, i.e, their lengths must be commensurate. Filter Design Tool will then find and apply the appropriate combination.

Kuroda transformation is an exact-equivalent transformation and the response is preserved in this operation. Also, the transformation is reversible such that if you apply Kuroda once again to the modified elements, you will get the original elements.

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