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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Filter Design Tool >
   Filter Design Window >
       Making Modifications >
           Circuit Level Modifications >
               Circuit Level Impedance Renormalization                   

Circuit Level Impedance Renormalization

The response of the filter does not change if all impedances including the source and load terminations are multiplied or divided by a factor. This scaling operation is called renormalization (or denormalization) termed after normalization which scales the circuit impedances such that the source resistance is 1.0.

Element parameters such as inductances, resistances and characteristic impedances are directly proportional to their impedances. Therefore when a source resistance is multiplied with a factor, these parameters are also multiplied with the same factor. Capacitances, on the other hand, are inversely proportional to their impedances. Therefore, when renormalizing the capacitors with the factor above, their values are divided by that factor.


To renormalize circuit impedances:

1. Click Renormalize on the Filter>Circuit submenu.

2. The Renormalization dialog box will then be popped up.


3. Type in the new value of the source resistance.

4. Click OK.

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