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Time Domain Solver Settings

Before the time domain solver can be started, several settings and definitions should be made. These settings are grouped on the ribbons to allow an easy and intuitive access.

Please refer also to the QuickStart Guide which guides you interactively through these steps.


  • Home: Settings



  • Modeling: Materials

New / Edit
Material Library


  • Structure Modeling:









  • Simulation: Sources and Loads

Waveguide Ports

Discrete Ports

Plane Wave

Field Source

Lumped Elements



Field Monitors
Voltage Monitors
Current Monitors


Note: Several basic settings can be made in advance by selecting an application specific project template.

The solver can be started from the time domain solver control dialog box that can be opened by choosing  Simulation: Solve Start Simulation Time Domain Solver from the main menu.

The solver will produce a set of results that can be accessed from the navigation tree.

Please note that the one dimensional results and the mode patterns can already be accessed while the solver is still performing the transient analysis. The one dimensional results (time signals and S-parameter) will show an intermediate solution that will change as the solver proceeds.

You can update the current result plot by choosing the 1D Plot: Plot Properties Update Results option from the main menu or by pressing F5 while the solver is running.

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