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Probe &endash; General

Simulation: Monitors Field Probe General

Probes are used to record one particular component of the electromagnetic field in a specified location during the transient analysis. Probes are available for locations inside and outside the calculation domain. The probes outside the calculation domain are time domain farfield probes. For more information about farfields, see the Farfield Overview page.

The primary result is ”Probe time signal” for both probes. This probe time signal is used to automatically derive frequency domain results using the Fourier transform.

The Fourier transform results will be normed such that the input power is normed to 1 W for each frequency point. With this normalization, the frequency domain data can be considered as being a transmission function between the stimulation port and the electromagnetic field at the probe’s position and orientation. However, in case of Discrete Voltage or Current Ports as well as Plane Wave excitation the resulting data corresponds to the user defined excitation amplitude. Please refer to the Reference Value and Normalization Overview page for general information about the different excitation conventions.

All of these results can be accessed from the navigation tree under the ”1D Results->Probes” folder. This folder will contain items for each probe where the names of the items correspond to the names assigned to the probes. The data will be updated as soon as the simulation has been started.

The results can be visualized by selecting the proper item from the navigation tree.


Enter a valid name for the field probe. As soon as the solver has started, the time signal of the field probe can be accessed under this name from the navigation tree.

Automatic labeling

This check button enables or disables the automatic labeling for the defined probe. The automatic generated label consists of the selected field type, orientation and position.


Select which electromagnetic field to record. You can choose between the electric field (E-field) or the magnetic field (H-field) for probes located inside the calculation domain. Farfield probes may be selected using the entries E-field (farfield), H-Field (farfield) or RCS.

Coordinate System

If you have chosen a farfield time domain probe by selecting the appropriate entry in the Field drop-down list, you may select among different coordinate systems for the position and the orientation of the probe. The available coordinate systems are "Cartesian", "Spherical", "Ludwig 2 Azimuth over Elevation", "Ludwig 2 Elevation over Azimuth" and "Ludwig 3". More information about the coordinate systems can be found at the Farfield Overview, the Farfield View and the Farfield Plot -Axes pages.


Select the orientation of the field probe. The component of the specified electromagnetic field in this coordinate direction will then be recorded as a one-dimensional time signal. For probes inside the calculation domain, only the X,Y or Z orientation can be selected. The field component of the farfield probes refers to the selected coordinate system.

It is also possible to create simultaneously (orientation all) a set of probes with all the available orientations depending on the coordinate system. For instance for the cartesian coordinate system the probes are generated in the x-, y- and z- direction whereas for the spherical coordinate system the probes are in the theta- and phi- direction. This feature allows to inspect all the field components at the same time together with the global field magnitude computation.


Enter the location of the field probe in global coordinates X/Y/Z for probes inside the calculation domain. The automatic mesh generation will try to automatically define a mesh node at this position.

For farfield probes, enter the location in coordinates with regard to the selected coordinate system.


Stores the current probe settings and leaves the dialog box.


Stores the currently defined probe. The dialog box open remains open.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Checks the values and shows the Probe as a Preview.


Shows this help text.

See also

Probe, Probe - Decoupling Plane, Probe - Origin, Monitor, Modeler View, Farfield Overview, Farfield View, Farfield Plot -Axes

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