Eigenmode Solver Specials (JDM)
Solver Start Simulation Eigenmode Solver Specials
Special solver controls frame
Enter a value for the desired solver accuracy in terms of the eigensystem's
relative residual. Please note that this threshold does not correspond
to the accuracy settings of the AKS
eigenmode solver method.
Prefer robust
equation system solver: Leave this check box unchecked to use a
variant of the JDM solver that
is efficient in terms of memory usage and the method of choice in most
of the cases. Activate to enable an alternative which is robust in terms
of the underlying iterative solver's convergence, but usually slower and
less memory efficient.
Consider static
modes: If the box is checked then the static modes are saved and
can be accessed via the result tree. Otherwise the static modes are not
Materials frame
frequency: These settings apply to the eigenmode solver with tetrahedral
mesh and to the eigenmode solver with hexahedral mesh and the JD method,
if Consider losses in postprocessing
only is deactivated in the Eigenmode
Solver Parameters dialog.
Electrically or magnetically conductive materials
and dispersive materials are evaluated either at the Center
frequency, or at some Other frequency.
This yields a complex permittivity and reluctivity which is assumed to
be frequency independent, as shown in the Eigenmode
Solver Overview.
Constant fit
and dispersion fit as in Time Domain: Check this box to consider
the fit procedure of the tangent delta settings in the Material
Parameter Conductivity Dialog using a dispersive Debye model correspondent
to the time domain. By deactivating this button the constant fit option
is realized as a constant tangent delta over the complete frequency range
while a dispersive fit results in a linear interpolation between the defined
loss angle values. The setting also affects the treatment of dispersive
materials if the model
simplification is configured so that lossy materials are treated as
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any
further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Solver Overview, Eigenmode Solver,
Eigenmode Solver
Settings, Eigenmode Solver
Specials (AKS)
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