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EDA Import Overview

The following links to EDA tools are available:

Additionally, a number of PCB/package formats can be imported into CST STUDIO SUITE and transformed into 3D simulation models:

The EDA import process of PCBs/packages consists of two steps: Firstly, the layout data is converted from one of the above-mentioned formats into a proprietary CST database, which is then saved copied into the present CST project. Secondly, the user prepares the layout for the desired 3D electromagnetic simulation task, which is carried out in a special dialog, covering

  • Restriction of full layout to a sufficient sub-geometry (based on nets, layers, and restriction areas)

  • Changing the layer stack-up (materials, thickness)

  • Modifying R/L/C component specifications

  • Defining ports

For details, see the documentation of the EDA import dialog.


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