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Special Mesh Properties - Mesh Generation Method

Home: MeshGlobal PropertiesSpecialsMesh Method

This dialog allows you to choose the method used for the generation of the surface mesh and of the volume mesh (if selected).

Surface mesh method

General purpose:  A simple surface mesh generation which is adequate in most cases.

Fast (for complex structures):  Especially suited to meshing large or complex structures. If used together with (tetrahedral) volume mesh generation, this method can be combined only with Delaunay volume mesh generation.


Volume mesh method

Available only for tetrahedral mesh generation.

Delaunay:  Fast tetrahedral volume meshing method (recommended).

Advancing Front:  An alternative method to generate a volume mesh. Advantageous in some cases (like thin layers), because the surface mesh can be generated more flexible than with Delaunay, that is., it can be altered during the mesh generation if necessary. This method is available only in combination with the general purpose surface mesh generation.


Model preparation

Geometry accuracy:  Sets the tolerance for the generation of the non-manifold simulation model, see Tetrahedral Mesh Generation. If the defined or imported geometry is less accurate than the default tolerance 1e-6, it is recommended to select a larger tolerance. Otherwise artificial shapes might arise or the model preparation might fail.


Self-intersection check:  This method specifies whether a self-intersection check for the model surfaces will be done. This is enabled by default. This option might be disabled for imported structures for surface or multilayer mesh. Further more it can be disabled for tetrahedral, surface or multilayer mesh if you want to mesh a structure and you are sure there exist no self-intersecting faces in the model.


Curved elements

When using curved elements, the gap between the linear surface elements and the (curved) geometry is closed using polynomial functions. In the Automatic mode, the polynomial curvature order is chosen automatically based on the selected solver and the solver settings. By selecting the Off mode, the mesh curvature is deactivated. You can fix the polynomial order by selecting the Fixed order mode and entering the desired order. If the solver is using finite elements of order p, then it would be sensible to use a curved element order between p and 2p-1. Setting the order to 1 prevents the curving of the mesh, which is equivalent to selecting the Off mode.


Distributed computing

Check this to use distributed computing for mesh generation.


Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Accepts the changes without closing the dialog.


Shows this help text.

See also

Mesh Properties (Tetrahedral), Special Mesh Properties, Local Mesh Property (Tetrahedral ) Mesh Generation Overview (Tetrahedral), Mesh View (Tetrahedral)

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