SimulationTask Object


Object referring to a simulation task. Use this object to create or to manipulate a simulation task.

General Methods


Resets all internal settings to their default values.


Type ( string type )

Sets the type for a simulation task. This setting must be made before calling Create. The type can not be modified after the creation. Most task settings can be accessed by a simulation task object. In addition, specialized objects are available for some types of tasks. Valid task types and specialized objects are:









"spectral lines"












"parameter sweep"

ParameterSweep Object


Optimizer Object


Name ( name taskname )

Sets the name of a simulation task before calling Create. Furthermore, this method can be used to select an existing task of your project.



Creates a new simulation task.



Deletes the task with the given name. The "Name" command needs to be called before this function can be evaluated.


SetName ( name taskname )

Modifies the name of an existing simulation task.


SetProperty ( name propertyname, double value )

SetProperty ( name propertyname, string value)


Sets the given value for the specified property. The following properties are available for the different simulation task types:

All tasks

"error current": specifies tolerance on error current (=sum of all currents to/from a node) in simulation

"tolerance type" (possible values: "relative" and absolute"): Type of tolerance on error current. Reference value is the impressed current.

"gmin": conductance to ground, attached to possibly floating nodes to achieve convergence in circuit simulation. The conductance is calculated automatically if the expression evaluates to a negative number.

"rmin": resistance value, below which resistors are treated as ideal shorts in circuit simulation.

"enabled" (possible values: "True" or "False"): enables or disables the simulation task.


"fmin", "fmax": simulation frequency range. These settings are only used if "maximum frequency range" is off.

"maximum frequency range" (possible values: "True" or "False"): enables or disables the maximum frequency sweep range. If the maximum frequency range is disabled, the frequencies set by the properties "fmin" and "fmax" will be used. If the maximum frequency range is enabled, those properties are ignored. The maximum frequency range must be disabled if the model is not frequency limited.

Operating point (DC)

no task type specific property


"integration method" (possible values: "adams" and "gear")

"integration order" (possible values: 1, 2, 3, or 4)

"time stepping" (possible values: "automatic" ,"adaptive", and "fixed")

"time step": maximum/fixed time step for adaptive/fixed time stepping

"circuit simulator": the type of simulator to be used (possible values: "cst" and "cosimulation")


"fmin", "fmax": simulation frequency range. These settings are only used if "maximum frequency range" is off.

"maximum frequency range" (possible values: "True" or "False"): enables or disables the maximum frequency sweep range. If the maximum frequency range is disabled, the frequencies set by the properties "fmin" and "fmax" will be used. If the maximum frequency range is enabled, those properties are ignored. The maximum frequency range must be disabled if the model is not frequency limited.

"docombineresults": Starts the field combination in the 3D solver with respect to the calculated excitations in DS.

"blocknameforcombineresults": Selects the MWS - block for which the fields are to be combined.

Spectral lines

no task type specific property


"input frequency",

"lo frequency",

"input resistance",

"lo resistance",

"output resistance",

"input power",

"lo power"


"input frequency",

"input res",

"input pow",

"load res"

"logarithmic sweep" (possible values: "True" or "False"): switches between logarithmic and linear frequency or power sampling.

Special Methods

SetSweepType ( string sweeptype )

Specifies the property to sweep. Valid arguments are "no", "frequency" and "power" for amplifier tasks and "no", "frequency", "lo power" and "input power" for mixer tasks.


SetSweepData ( double min, double max, int samples )

Specifies the sweep range and the number of samples. The sweep range is Tmin and Tmax for transient tasks. For frequency domain tasks it is Fmin and Fmax, and for mixer and amplifier tasks it is either Fmin and Fmax or Pmin and Pmax (depending on the task settings).


SetLocalUnit ( string unittype, string unit )

Sets the task to local units, i.e. values of all properties associated with the selected simulation task will not refer to the project's global units any more but to the tasks local units. Additionally, the unit of the specified type of unit is set to the given value.


SetGlobalUnit ( string unittype )

Sets the task to global units. The local unit of the specified type is deleted. All other local units are preserved, but not active. They can be activated again by calling SetLocalUnit.


EnableResult ( string resultname, bool enable )

Switches on/off the consideration of the result specified by name. The following results are available:



Operating point (DC)



"block", "block impulse response"



Spectral lines



"vswr", "spectrum", "isolation", "gain"


"s-param", "group delay", "linear gain", "stability", "spectrum", "distortion", "power", "gain"


SetDiamondScheme ( bool diamond )

Switches on/off the consideration of the frequencies according to the diamond scheme for a spectral lines simulation task.


SetDiamondHarmonics ( int harmonics )

Sets the number of harmonics for the diamond scheme for a spectral lines simulation task.


AddFundamentalFrequency ( double frequency, int harmonics )

Adds a fundamental frequency to a spectral lines simulation task with a given number of harmonics that will be considered if the diamond scheme is switched off.



Removes all entries from the list of fundamental frequencies for a spectral lines simulation task.


SetInputPort ( name portname )

Sets the input port for an amplifier simulation task or a mixer simulation task. For a mixer simulation task, IF is the input port in case of a consideration of the up-converting mode, for the down-converting mode RF is the input port.


SetOutputPort ( name portname )

Sets the output port for an amplifier simulation task or a mixer simulation task. For a mixer simulation task, RF is the input port in case of a consideration of the up-converting mode, for the down-converting mode IF is the input port.


SetLOPort ( name portname )

Sets the local oscillator port for a mixer simulation task by name.


SetUpconverting ( bool upconverting )

Switches on/off the consideration of the up-converting mode of the selected mixer simulation task.


SetEyeDiagrammData(bool enable, double TWrap, double TWrapStart)

If "enable" = true, all time domain result data will be wrapped into an eye-diagram of period "TWrap". If "TWrapStart" is given, the eye-diagram starts monitoring after this period of time.


SetPortSignal ( string portname, string type, string array values )

Sets the signal type associated with the given port for the selected simulation task. The possible types are the same that are returned by GetPortSignalType. values is an array of expressions that define the signal:


Fmin Fmax Vampl


Vinit Vpulse Tdelay Trise Tfall Thold Ttotal


Voffset Vampl Freq Tdelay

"Damped sine"

Voffset Vampl Freq Tdelay Damp

"Exponential rising"

Vinit Vend Tdelay Crise

"Exponential rising and falling"

Vinit Vpulse Tdelayrise Crise Tdelayfall Cfall


N Vpulse Trise Tfall TPulse

"PRBS random initialization"

N Vpulse Trise Tfall TPulse


Vpulse Trise Tfall TPulse

"K285 inverted"

Vpulse Trise Tfall TPulse


N Vpulse Trise Tfall TPulse

"Pulse Sequence"

Vinit Vpulse Trise Tfall TdelayR TdelayF Ttotal Initbit Bitsequence




SetComplexPortExcitation (string portname, string amplitude,  string phase)

Sets the complex excitation amplitude of an AC-Tasks. The task needs to exist before this function can be called.


SetRealPortExcitation (string portname, string amplitude)

Sets the excitation amplitude of an DC-Tasks. The task needs to exist before this function can be called.


SetPortSourceType ( string portname, string type )

Sets the source type associated with the given port for the selected simulation task. Possible values are:






The value "None" deletes the excitation signal of this port. The port will therefore be considered as impedance.

The task needs to exist and "SetComplexPortExcitation" ("SetRealPortExcitation") has to be called before this function can be executed.


ArePortsDependent ( string portname1, string portname2 ) bool

Checks if two external ports specified by their names are dependent. The method returns True if the two ports are connected through some components of the model.


GetUnit ( string unittype ) string

Returns the unit for the given type specified for the selected task. This is either the task's local unit or the project's global unit.


GetUnitScale ( string unittype ) double

Returns the unit scale for the given type specified for the selected task. This is either the task's local scale or the project's global scale.


GetNameOfCurrentTask name

Returns the name of the currently running task while the simulation is performed.


GetResultFolder ( bool absolute ) string

Returns the generic result folder of the selected task, or an empty string if no task is selected. If absolute is false, the path is returned relative to the project result folder that can be obtained with GetProjectPath("ResultDS"). Note that the returned folder is only used for result files without tree item. 1D results and tables are stored in different locations. You can get those paths via the ResultTree Object from the corresponding tree names.


GetProperty ( name propertyname)   string

Inverse method to SetProperty(). Returns the value of the specified property.  For details on valid properties, see SetProperty().


GetUpconverting bool

Returns if the selected mixer simulation task considers the up-converting mode.


GetPortSignalType ( string portname ) string

Returns the signal type associated with the given port for the selected simulation task. Possible return values are "None" (if no signal is assigned to the specified port, i.e. the port will be considered as impedance), "Gaussian", "Pulse", "Sine", "Damped sine", "Exponential rising", "Exponential rising and falling", "PRBS", "PRBS random initialization", "K285", "K285 inverted", "Random", "Pulse Sequence" and "Import".


GetPortSourceType ( string portname ) string

Returns the source type associated with the given port for the selected simulation task. Possible return values are "None" (if no signal is assigned to the specified port, i.e. the port will be considered as impedance), "Voltage", "Current" and "Signal".


GetGaussProperties ( string portname, double& amplitude, double& fmin, double& fmax )

Retrieves the settings for a gaussian excitation signal at the given port.


ResultEnabled ( string resultname ) bool

Tells whether the result specified by name is considered. The available result names are identical to those used by EnableResult.


StartTaskNameIteration int

Resets the iterator for the simulation tasks and returns the number of simulation tasks.


GetNextTaskName name

Returns the next simulation task's name. Call StartTaskNameIteration before the first call of this method.



Checks if a task with the given name does already exist.


GetTypeForTask ( name taskname ) name

Returns the type of the simulation task given by name.


GetSequenceTaskLoopCurrentIteration int

If a sequence task is currently performing a loop, this function returns the current iteration number. If no loop is currently running, -1 is returned.


GetSequenceTaskLoopMaxIteration int

If a sequence task is currently performing a loop, this function returns the maximum number of iterations. If no loop is currently running, -1 is returned.

Default Settings

SetProperty ("enabled", "True")

SetProperty ("logarithmic sweep", "False")

SetProperty ("maximum frequency range", "True")

SetLocalUnit (<any>, False)

SetDiamondScheme (True)

SetUpconverting (True)

SetProperty ("gmin", "-1")

SetProperty ("rmin", "1e-6")


'Creates a simulation task


With SimulationTask


.Type ("S-Parameters")

.Name ("MyTask")


End With


With SimulationTask






.SetProperty("maximum frequency range", "False")


.SetComplexPortExcitation("1", "1", "45")

.SetPortSourceType("1", "CURRENT")

End With


'Modifies an existing simulation task


With SimulationTask


.Name ("MyTask")

.SetProperty("maximum frequency range", "False")

.SetLocalUnit ("Frequency", "GHz")

.SetSweepData (1.0e-5, 10.0, 101)

.SetProperty ("logarithmic sweep", "True")

End With