ParameterSweep Object
Allows to automatically perform several simulations with varying parameters.
SetSimulationType ( name task )
Chooses the parameter sweep task to be used. An empty argument selects the global parameter sweep. This method must be called before any other method if a parameter sweep task should be queried or modified. The global parameter sweep is used if this method is not called.
AddSequence ( name name )
Defines a new simulation sequence. In a sequence several different sets of parameters with different values can be defined. These sets are then taken by the parameter sweep to modify the model and automatically simulate it for each set.
DeleteSequence ( name name )
Deletes a sequence.
Deletes all sequences.
RenameSequence ( name oldname, name newname )
Renames a sequence.
AddParameter ( name sequencename, name parametername, bool sweep, double from, double to, int steps )
Adds a parameter to a sequence.
DeleteParameter ( name sequencename, name parametername )
Deletes a parameter from a sequence.
Starts the parameter sweep.
GetNumberOfVaryingParameters long
Get the number of varying parameters.
GetNameOfVaryingParameter ( long index ) string
Returns the name of the specified parameter.
GetValueOfVaryingParameter ( long index ) double
Returns the value of the specified parameter.
With ParameterSweep
.SetSimulationType ("Parameter Sweep1")
.AddSequence ("Sweep")
.AddParameter ("Sweep", "l", True, 2.6, 2.8, 5)
.AddWatch ("Watch", "Design", "S-Parameters [S-Parameters1]", "S1,1", "Sweep", "s11")
End With