Export Plot Data (ASCII)

Post Processing: ExchangeImport/ExportExportPlot Data (ASCII)

This dialog box offers ASCII file export of current plot data. The file format depends on the currently active visualization option. The resolution of the data in the exported file corresponds to the resolution specified for the visualization or can be defined in the 2D/3D Plot Data Export dialog after pressing Save.

File format for 1D results

The ASCII file consists of one or more blocks depending on the number of curves in the plot. Each block has two or three columns depending on the plot. In the first line of each block, there is a headline with the column titles.

File format for 2D/3D results

The ASCII file will contain the following columns, where E/D/H/Bxxx are the field components and Phi is the potential at the coordinates x, y, z.

Vector fields

E-Field: x, y, z, Ex, Ey, Ez

D-Field: x, y, z, Dx, Dy, Dz

J-Field: x, y, z, Jx, Jy, Jz

H-Field: x, y, z, Hx, Hy, Hz

B-Field: x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz

Scalar fields

Potential: x, y, z, Phi

File format for particle position monitors in the PIC solver

The ASCII file consists of a header and a data section, containing the information stored in particle position monitors. The monitors are used to create 3D particle position plots. These plots, as well as the monitors, consist of one or multiple time instances or  frames. The ASCII export is associated to these time frames and two options are available as  shown  in the Frame Selection box:

Current : to export the frame currently selected for visualization by the user

All           : to export all the frames that are available in the currently selected monitor


The data section consists of twelve columns  :

posX,   posY,    posZ    : particle position in x, y, z

momX, momY, momZ : particle momentum in x, y, z

mass                              : particle mass

charge                            : particle charge

macro-charge               : macro-particle charge

time                                 : time

particleID                        : particle' s unique label

emissionID                    : label of the emission source of every particle, particles generated via secondary emission have the same emissionID as their mother particles


Example of an ASCII file:



File format for particle trajectories in the tracking solver

The ASCII file consists of a header and a data section, containing the information of each trajectory which is currently displayed. If a scalar kinetic type is exported (e.g. energy) the export has five data columns (e.g. time, x,  y,  z, energy). Otherwise the export has seven columns (e.g. time, x,  y,  z, px, py, pz).


Exports your current plot data to an ASCII file. The default extension of the file name will be ”.txt”. After pressing Save the samples for your data export can be defined in the 2D/3D Plot Data Export dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.