Settings for 2D/3D Plot Data Export

Post Processing:  ExchangeImport/Export Plot Data (ASCII)Save

Number of steps fixed / Step width fixed

Here you can decide, if you want to specify a fixed step width or a fixed number of samples for your data export.

Stepwidth / Number of steps frame

Same step width for all directions: Use the same step width for all directions. In case of fixed number of steps, the number of steps for y and z direction will be chosen proportionally to the calculation domain to achieve the same step width.

Dx / Nx: Step width (Dx) for x direction or all directions, depending on the above check button. Number of steps (Nx) for x direction. The number of steps for y and z will be chosen proportionally if the above check button is checked.

Dy, Dz / Ny, Nz: Step width or number of steps for y and z. Disabled if the above check button is checked.


Performs your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Export Plot Data (ASCII)