Max. timesteps
Specify the maximal number of time steps of the tracking process. The tracking solver stops when all particles have left the computation domain (crashed in material or into the computational boundary) or the maximal number of iteration steps is reached.
Min. pushes per cell
Specify the minimal number of steps of the fastest particle within one mesh cell. This setting determines the spatial sampling rate of the tracking process.
Time step dynamic
Specify the dynamic of the time step size from one pushing step to the next. A time step size dynamic of "1" results in an equidistant timeline while a dynamic greater "1" adapts the time step size the given factor to the highest particle velocity.
Transparency of sheets
The sheet transparency is a filter for the particles, that means that some particles can be absorbed by the sheet. To define the degree of absorption enter the sheet transparency for particles in percent. If the transparency equals 100%, all particles will move through the sheets. A transparency of 0% means that all particles will collide with the sheets.
Since the random numbers for the sheet transparency are generated in a reproducible way, the sheets can be used in GUN calculations to replace grids.
Monitor charge and current
Enables the recording of space charge and particle current during a simple tracking computation.
The particle tracking simulation takes (always) all particles and time steps into account and does not depend on the sampling settings. These sampling settings are only used to reduce the amount of data of the trajectory plot.
Temporal sampling rate
Specify the temporal gap between recorded time steps. A sampling rate of "1" records all computed pushing steps, a rate of "2" leaves out every second step and a rate of "3" records only every third time step.
Particle sampling rate
Specify the particle downsampling rate of the resulting particle plot file (.trk-file). A sampling rate of "1" records all computed particles, a rate of "2" leaves out every second particle and a rate of "3" records only every third particle.
Max. number of iterations
Specify the maximal number of iterations of the gun solver. An iteration consists of a calculation of the electrostatic field, a tracking of the particles and a modification of the electrostatic potential distribution in the computational domain. The gun-solver stops when either the desired accuracy or the maximal number of iterations has been reached.
Relaxation parameter
Specify the relaxation of the new space charge with the recent computed space charge. An relaxation of "1" means that the last computed space charge directly influences the next electrostatic field distribution. A relaxation parameter of "0.1" results only in a 10% modification of the pre-existing space charge, so that a slower and smoother convergence is achieved.
Periodic boundaries
In case that periodic boundaries are chosen for the eigenmode solver setup, the electrostatic and magnetostatic solver have
to use different boundary settings. In this frame the alternative boundary settings for the solvers can be defined.
Electrostatic substitute: Choose a boundary condition for the electrostatic solver.
Magnetostatic substitute: Choose a boundary condition for the magnetostatic solver.
Open boundaries
In case that open boundaries are chosen for the static solver, the eigenmode solver needs an alternative boundary description:
Eigenmode substitute: Choose a boundary condition for the eigenmode solver.
Takes the current settings without closing the dialog box.
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See also