Tracking Solver Parameters

Simulation: SolverStart Simulation

Meshing strategy

For tracking simulations two different meshing strategies are available. The selected strategy depends on the fields which are used for tracking.


Low Frequency

Only static- or low-frequent-fields are used for tracking. The CST EM STUDIO meshing strategy is used in this case.

High Frequency

High frequency fields like eigenmodes in cavities are used for tracking. In this case the CST MWS meshing strategy should be selected, which focuses on a proper spatial sampling of the wavelength.


Particle source

Select the particle source or particle interface  which shall emit particles during the solver run.

"All sources" activates all particle sources and interfaces for the computation.

Store result data in cache

Indicates whether all models and results during a parameter sweep or optimization are stored in sub-folders or not.


Activates the gun solver. Note that for a gun-iteration an electrostatic field has to be present, which will

be recomputed in every iteration cycle. The "Relative accuracy" of the gun solver  determines the

overall deviation of the space charge vector from one iteration to the next. A detailed definition can be found here: Tracking Solver Overview

Tracking fields frame

The tracking fields frame displays all available field-types which can be considered by the particle tracking solver.

Note that only EM-fields with valid source definitions are listed in the table.

Active: Activate the button to consider the specific field.

Field: Name of the field

Factor: Determines the influence of the field to the particles' movement. A factor of "0" disables the influence of the specific field.

Freq: Frequency of the specific field

Phase: Starting phase of the specific Eigenmode. The phase determines the phase of the electric field-mode  at the beginning of the simulation.

Distributed Computing frame

Remote solver run

Enable this check-box to start the tracking computation on an external server.


Starts the particle tracking solver with the current settings.


Opens the optimization dialog.

Par. Sweep...

Opens the parameter sweep dialog.


Takes the current settings without closing the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Opens the tracking solver specials dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

Tracking Solver Overview, Tracking Solver Specials, Particle Source, Particle Interface