Mesh and Simulation Time
As far as the results are concerned, the finer the mesh, the better. However, a very fine mesh has a large number of mesh cells and with this a large number of unknowns to be solved. Every increase of unknowns extends the need of memory and simulation time.
For the increase of simulation time, there are two different mechanisms. One is quite obvious: the more unknowns that are present, the more operations must be computed. The other mechanism is caused by the properties of the solver. The solvers converge slower with smaller mesh step sizes than with larger ones.
Artificial Dispersion
Another effect of the discrete simulation is that an additional dispersion due to the mesh can be observed. This dispersion gets worse as the differences between two neighboring mesh step sizes become larger. The smallest dispersion will occur in an equidistant mesh.
To avoid these effects, the mesh generator may be forced to insert additional mesh lines that decrease the differences of mesh lengths.
Mesh and Spatial Signal Sampling Rate
Sampling Rate: An important value for the spatial sampling rate is the number of mesh lines per wavelength. This value is connected to the wavelength of the highest frequency of the simulation. It defines the minimum number of mesh lines in each coordinate direction that are used for a distance equal to this wavelength. In a way, it sets the spatial sampling rate for the signals or fields inside of the structure, see Mesh Properties (Hexahedral).
Very often a good compromise between calculation time and the achievable accuracy is the default value of 10 lines per wavelength for hexahedral meshing.
However, the wavelength inside of a structure depends on its material. Therefore it is possible to let the mesh generator adjusts the mesh according to the influence of the material on the wavelength.
See also
Mesh Generation Overview (Hexahedral), Mesh View (Hexahedral), Mesh Properties (Hexahedral), Adaptive Meshing (Eigenmode), Adaptive Mesh Refinement (Hex), Which Mesh to Use