Particle Resampling

Post Processing: 2D/3D Field PostprocessingResample Particle Data

Reorganizing of particles means a file conversion from the particle tracking solver output *.ttl file which is time step oriented to the particle plot *.trk file which is particle oriented. During this conversion a specific temporal and particle downsampling rate can be specified.

Particle source

Select the particle source which has to be reorganized.

Temporal sampling rate

Specify the temporal gap between recorded pushing steps. A sampling rate of "1" records all computed pushing steps, a rate of "2" leaves out every second step and a rate of "3" records only every third time step.

Particle sampling rate

Specify the particle downsampling rate of the resulting particle plot file (.trk-file). A sampling rate of "1" records all computed particles, a rate of "2" leaves out every second particle and a rate of "3" records only every third particle.


Starts the reorganizing procedure.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Tracking solver specials