Special settings
In this frame the user can define some parameters related to the surface impedance algorithm and to the activation of power losses 1d monitor.
Lossy metal model order
Specify here the order of the one-dimensional lossy metal model. The order is represented by the number of space steps of the substitute structure. If the model order is increased, the simulation result is enhanced at the expense of a higher calculation effort.
Compute power losses at monitor frequencies
Activating this check box enables the computation of the power, as a function of the frequency, dissipated by the dispersive electric and magnetic materials and by the lossy metal and surface impedance elements (i.e. ohmic sheet, tabulated surface impedance and corrugated wall).
The selected monitor frequencies for the dispersive electric and magnetic materials are chosen in correspondence of the 3D frequency field monitors, where the electric and magnetic fields are computed. Please note that the computed power is obtained summing up the contribution of those fields only. This is especially important when subvolume field monitors are defined as the losses are computed in the corresponding subvolume only.
The selected frequencies for the lossy metal and surface impedance elements are chosen in correspondence of the 2D and 3D frequency field monitors defined by the users and of the far field monitors as well.
A 1D curve displaying the dissipated power is stored and displayed in the "1D Results" tree subfolder, offering a better insight into the model power efficiency and allowing an accurate energy balance evaluation.
Plasma and nonlinear material frame
In this frame the user can define the parameters related to the monitor for the plasma and nonlinear material. In case of nonlinear plasma material the charge density will be recorded. In case of dispersive nonlinear material the instantaneous equivalent eps and mue variation due to the nonlinearity will be recorded.
Activate monitor
Activate or not the time monitoring of the charge density in case of non linear plasma materials and of the equivalent eps and mue variation in case of nonlinear materials.
Start time
Enter here the start time for the time monitoring.
Step width
Enter here the desired step width for the time monitoring. Together with start and end time this value determines the full number of recorded time samples. Note that time monitors possibly need a great amount of disk memory if the step width is chosen too small.
End time
Selecting this check box offers the possibility to define a specific end time for the recording. If it is not selected, the recording will continue up to the end of the calculation.
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Shows this help text.
See also
Solver, Signals in Time Domain Simulations Overview, Material Overview (HF)
Special Solver Parameters: PIC, Waveguide, Steady State, Solver, General