Special Solver Parameters - Solver

Simulation: SolverStart SimulationSpecialsSolver
Simulation: SolverStart SimulationSpecialsSolver

Special settings frame

Normalize to reference signal [always normalized if default signal is used]: In case of the default Gaussian excitation signal, which is predefined in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, all frequency results of the transient solver are automatically normalized to the spectrum of this default signal in order to provide consistent broadband results, independent of the transient excitation signal. This allows convenient comparisons to e.g. frequency domain solver results.

However, selecting other signals for excitation, e.g. a rectangular pulse or an imported signal, this normalization step is not done by default. This means that in these cases all frequency results are purely represented by the unnormalized discrete Fourier transformation of the correspondent transient data. In any case, you can still apply a normalization step to the selected reference signal in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO by enabling this check button, independent whether this signal is actually used or not. As mentioned above, changing this button has no influence when the default Gaussian excitation signal is used.

In case of a transient co-simulation run, usually the excitation is driven from within CST DESIGN STUDIO. Consequently also the result normalization can be controlled here, either normalizing to a Gaussian reference signal or not. This can be defined for each task separately and consistently effects both, the frequency domain results in CST  MICROWAVE STUDIO as well as in CST DESIGN STUDIO.

Please find further information in this context on the Reference Value and Normalization page.

Open boundary settings frame

PML Type: Here, you may specify the PML formulation. Allowed options are ConvPML for the Convolution PML or GTPML for the Generalized PML theory.

The default value is the Convolution PML which provides a material independent absorbing boundary condition. In addition to electric and magnetic material properties also conducting materials are considered for this absorbing boundary.

The Generalized PML theory provides a basic absorbing boundary condition, considering only electric and magnetic materials.

Variable PML layer mesh steps: The mesh steps inside the PML are increased towards the outer PML boundary to allow a maximal possible PML depth. The number of used layers is defined in the Settings for PML Boundary  dialog.

Keep PML depth during adaptive mesh refinement: The initial PML depth is maintained during adaptive mesh refinement passes. Consequently the number of PML layers increases with subsequent passes, however, the total number of PML layers is kept as small as possible by applying variable PML layer mesh steps.

Time integrator settings frame

In this dialog box, some special settings concerning the PBA model in connection with the time step calculation can be made. Note that these parameters are sensitive regarding the stability of the time domain calculation, so be careful when changing them.

Subcycling: Choosing the Activate selection will always check for the possibility to use them in the calculation whereas the button Deactivate prevents this procedure. The Automatic detection will instead come to this decision by an internal procedure.


Accepts the input and closes the dialog.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Solver, Settings for PML Boundary

Special Solver Parameters: Waveguide, Steady State, Material, General