Kinetic settings
In this section, the kinetic emission settings can be entered. For further details open the Kinetic Particle Settings page.
Current settings
In this section, the DC emission settings can be entered.
Current (abs)
Enter the absolute of the DC current.
Rise time
Select the rise time, in which the current increases smoothly from
zero to the value chosen above.
More or less button
This button allows the user to show or hide the oblique emission settings.
Oblique emission
Note: oblique emission is available only for circular particle sources. For a schematic representation of the oblique emission angles, see the oblique emission section in the Particle Source Emission Model Overview.
Angle theta
The angle theta is formed by the velocity of the emitted particles and
the source surface normal.
Angle phi
The angle phi is formed by the component of the particle emission velocity
that is perpendicular to the source surface normal and the vector defined
by the center of the circular source O and the
emission point.
See also
Define Particle Sources, Particle Source Emission Model Overview, Kinetic Particle Settings