ASCII Field Import Format

Field data can be imported via an ASCII file with a certain format describe here. In principal it is possible to import real or complex 3D vector fields which have been written with the Export Plot Data functionality. This also offers the possibility to import fields from external tools or from tetrahedral-based CST STUDIO SUITE solvers.


Note: It is important that the field data was sampled on a regular cartesian grid, otherwise the import will fail with an error message.


Right before the field data block the import file format might contain one or more commands preceded by the comment character '.






0.0 ...(almost infinity)

The frequency given in Hz.


<E-Field, H-Field, B-Field>

The field type.


<nm, um, mm, cm, m, ft, mil,in>

The geometrical unit of the position data. Note: If this setting is defined the units (e.g. [m]) in the mandatory part are ignored.


<none, electric, magnetic>

Three symmetry conditions must be defined, separated by a comma, otherwise the command is ignored.


These commands allow to specify additional settings for the import field which are not written by the Export Plot Data tool but can be defined also in the Select External Field File dialog box.


Note: All settings done by command inside the ASCII file will overwrite the dialog box settings in the ASCII import settings frame of the Select External Field File dialog box !


Other information preceded by a ' character or commands with an invalid syntax are ignored.




See also

Select External Field File, Symmetry Conditions, Export Plot Data