Particle Plot Specials

2D/3D Plot: Plot PropertiesPropertiesSpecials

Plot scaling

Enter a maximum value for the coloring of the particle plot.

Enter a minimum value for the coloring of the  particle plot.

Clamp to range
Enable this checkbox to specify a fixed the  range (minimum/maximum) for the coloring of the displayed particle data.

Export bitmap during animation

By activating the export bitmap checkbox a bitmap of each plotted time step is saved to the projects current directory "<example dir>\TrajectoryPlots\imageXXXX.bmp" whereby the bitmap filenames are chronologically numbered. The bitmaps can be used to generate a trajectory movie for demonstration purposes.


Accept the input and close the dialog box.


Close this dialog box without performing any further action.


Show this help text.

See also

Post Processing Overview, Particle Plot Overview, Particle Plot
3D Scalar Plot, 2D Vector Plot, 3D Fields on 2D Plane, 3D Vector Plot Special Settings