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Sensitivity Analysis OverviewFor the frequency domain solver with tetrahedral mesh, for the transient solver with hexahedral mesh as well as for the eigenmode solver with tetrahedral mesh the derivatives of network parameters (S, Y, Z-parameter) with respect to geometric and/or material (simple) design parameters can be calculated without re-meshing the example. With the information of the nominal value and the first derivative the variation of a network parameter with respect to a design parameter can be calculated in a small neighbourhood of the nominal value (see yield analysis overview). Also the sensitivity information is used for a more efficient optimization (see optimizer overview).
How to setup the sensitivity analysis Before you can start the sensitivity analysis
you have to define geometric and/or material design parameters (see Define
Face Constraints( Press the
"Properties..." button to see a complete list of parameters
(both available and unavailable parameters for the sensitivity analysis).
Check those parameters you want to be calculated by the sensitivity analysis and start the solver.
Geometric and material design parameter (sensitivity
analysis parameter) To be able to calculate the sensitivity of network parameters with respect to design parameters, these design parameters have to fullfil some limitations. Only the following operations are parametrizable by sensitivity parameters:
In addition, you have to make sure that the parameter
If all requirements are met, the parameter will be selectable for sensitivity analysis in the solver dialog (See Solver dialog: Sensitivity analysis). If you expect a parameter to appear in that list which does not, it may help to check the variable dependencies in the parameter list.
Mechanical displacement (sensitivity analysis
parameter) Displacement field results from the structural
mechanics solver can be used to define a local deformation of the structure.
The S-parameter sensitivity for the imported displacement field can be
calculated in the high frequency solver with tetrahedral mesh. Provided
that a mechanics simulation has been performed already, choose Simulation:
Sources and Loads
Postprocessing The following postprocessing steps can be done for the derivative of S-parameters:
Current restrictions: The sensitivity calculation is done for excited ports only. This also holds for output ports of the S-parameter matrix. Consider a two port system with ports 1 and 2, for instance. Only the sensitivity information for S11 will be calculated if port 1 is excited, but port 2 is not. Further limitations are design parameter dependent port modes, gyro tropic materials, periodic boundaries and unit cells.
See also Frequency Domain Solver Parameters, Transient Solver Parameters, Eigenmode Solver Parameters, Solver dialog: Sensitivity Analysis, Yield Analysis Overview, Face Constraints HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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