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Pick Smart Mode

Modeling: PicksPicks

This modes enables you to select points, edges and faces in one go. Whatever is highlighted while hovering above a solid will be picked by double-clicking.

This is a combination of the three modes Pick Point, Pick Edge and Pick Face.

The precedence is "point over edge over face". So hovering near a point will highlight the point even though you hover near some edges and exactly above a face.

Cancel this mode

You may cancel this mode by choosing Leave Pick Mode () from the context menu or pressing ESC.

Keep the pick mode

By default, the pick mode will be automatically exited when a point is selected. This behavior may be tedious when a sequence of points must be selected. To avoid the need for entering the pick mode again, you may choose Modeling: PicksPicks Keep Pick Mode (). The pick mode will then remain active until you cancel it as described above.

Clear all picks

You may clear the selection of all picked points, edges or areas by choosing Modeling: PicksClear Picks ().

List of picked items

You may obtain a list of all selected items by choosing some of the entries is in the submenu Modeling: PicksPick Lists  (,,).


Some hotkeys are available to improve the handling of commonly used pick operations. The corresponding hotkeys are noted in the menus next to the commands (see Picking Overview ).

See also

Pick modes: edge center point, circle center point, circle radius, area center point, point on face, area, edge, numerical edge definition, points list, edges list, areas list.

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