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Add Mode

Modeling: ToolsBooleanAdd

To add two shapes means that you create a new shape that contains the volume of both shapes.

In this mode, you may interactively add two shapes by selecting the first one, then clicking the add button, selecting the second shape and pressing the RETURN key. It is also possible to add multiple shapes. Therefore, it is necessary to push the CTRL key during the selection of the other shapes.

You may change the view at any time by using the standard view changing options.


  • Select the first shape by double-clicking it or by selecting its entry in the navigation tree.

  • Click on the Modeling: ToolsBooleanAdd () button.

  • Select the second shape by double-clicking it or by selecting its entry in the navigation tree.

  • Press RETURN.

Steps for quick adding shapes

It is also possible to select two or more shapes and then easily click on the Modeling: ToolsBooleanAdd() button. As a result, all the selected shapes will be added.


To add more than one shape to the first one, hold the CTRL key during the selection of the other shapes. To select all navigation tree entries from one position to an other, push the SHIFT key during selection.


You may cancel this mode at any step by pressing ESC.


The two shapes below will be added. It is arbitrary which shape is selected first.


The result of the operation will be a shape like this:


See also

Intersect Mode, Subtract Mode, Insert Mode, Imprint Mode, Auto Intersect

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