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DC/MPI Main Controller Settings (per project)

Simulation: Start Simulation or Parameter SweepAccelerationDC Properties...
Simulation: Start Simulation or Parameter SweepAccelerationMPI PropertiesSet main controller

The CST Main Controller is used for distributed computing (DC) and for the MPI update mechanism. Besides the global main controller that is stored per user, it is possible to define two additional main controller that cover only MPI and only DC and are stored per project.

Use global settings

Per default, this setting is set and the globally defined main controller is used. If not set, you have to define a local main controller that is only used for the current project and only for DC or MPI.

Change global settings

If "Use global settings" is checked, you can change those settings by pushing that button. It also possible to change these settings via File: OptionsMain Controller

Server Name or IP address

Enter the address of a running CST Main Controller. IP address is also accepted. Please note, that in case of a node-locked license, the CST Main Controller must run on the same computer as the front-end.


Enter the TCP port of the CST Main Controller.

Use specified DC Solver Servers

Check this box if you want to use the CST DC Solver Server specified in "Connected DC Solver Servers...". Uncheck it to use all CST DC Solver Servers which are connected to and enabled at the CST DC Main Controller.

Connected DC Solver Server...

Opens up another dialog box which displays information about all connected DC solver server. This button is only visible for the DC settings. See Connected Solver Servers help for further details.

Local host information

This list is for information purposes only. It displays your local host name and your local IP addresses. Sometimes the computer has more than one network card connected to different sub networks so that more than one IP address is available.


The settings will be saved.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Distributed Computing Overview, MPI Cluster, Acceleration dialog box, Connected Solver Servers dialog box

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