Simulation Project Creation Mode

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Creating New Simulation Projects

The simulation project creation mode allows you to define which blocks will be taken into account for the newly created simulation project and which level of representation shall be used for each of them.


After activating the creation mode, you can use the schematic selection tools as usual. Once one or more blocks are selected you can specify their type of representation by selecting either one of the following options from the Simulation Project ribbon or the context menu:




Consider for 3d model / schematic

The selected block will be considered as 3d model for the newly created simulation project if possible. If the corresponding block does not have a 3d representation, then the block will be considered as schematic element for the newly created simulation project.

Consider on schematic only

The selected block will be considered as schematic element for the newly created simulation project.

Ignore selected blocks

The selected block will not be considered for the newly created simulation projects


If no type is specified for a particular block, the block will be ignored. While the simulation project creation mode is active, the actual settings are displayed in the schematic by using the following color-code:


Colored frame around the block



This block will not be considered for the simulation project creation.

Orange frame (with shadow)

This block will be considered as 3d element for the simulation project creation.

Light blue frame

This block will be considered as schematic element for the simulation project creation.


The current representation of a block can be changed by selecting it again and choosing one of the types described above.

The simulation project definition mode can be aborted without creating a new simulation project by selecting Simulation Project: Close Simulation Project Mode.


Once all block representations are specified properly, you can proceed with the next step of the simulation project creation by selecting  Simulation Project: Create Simulation Project. This operation will open a Create New Simulation Project dialog box which allows you to specify global project settings such as project name, project type,solver type, etc. Once the simulation project creation is completed, the newly created project will be represented by a corresponding simulation task entry in the navigation tree. The selected solver type will be launched whenever this simulation task is updated.


Showing and Editing Simulation Project Properties

When an existing simulation project simulation task entry is selected in the navigation tree, the same color code as described above is applied in order to show the block representations being used in the corresponding project. You can also open the Create New Simulation Project dialog box again by selecting Navigation tree: Tasks <Simulation Project Task Name> Properties.... In this case, the dialog box will show all global project settings, but will only allow you to change the selected solver type.


The corresponding project can easily be opened by selecting Navigation tree: Tasks <Simulation Project Task Name> Edit... . In the same way, the simulation project can be renamed (Rename) or deleted (Delete). Please note that deleting a simulation project task does also delete the corresponding project and that this operation can not be undone.


See also

Create New Simulation Project, Simulation Task Overview