Create New Simulation Project - General

Home: Simulation Simulation project Create Simulation Project  (General tab)

This dialog box is either shown as a last step of the creation of a new simulation project (project creation mode) or when displaying the properties of an existing simulation project task (edit mode). Here you can specify global project settings such as name, project type, etc. for the simulation project.  


Please note that not all of the entry fields are active when displaying the properties of an existing simulation project. Please select the Rename operation from the navigation tree in order to change the name of an existing simulation project.


Sets the name for the simulation project. When creating a new simulation project, you may also specify the name of an already existing simulation project here in order to replace the project.

Use assembly information

This check box becomes active if an assembly (layout) has been defined previously. If this option is activated, the assembly's location and orientation of the blocks are taken into account when creating the simulation project's geometry.

Project type

Sets the type of the newly created simulation project.

Project template

Sets a project template for creating the simulation project in order to adjust defaults for particular structure and analysis types.

Solver type

Sets the solver type for the newly created simulation project. Whenever the corresponding simulation task gets updated, the specified solver will be launched. This settings can also be changed when editing the properties of an existing simulation project.

Reference model for global settings

Set a reference for inheriting settings (e.g. boundary conditions, frequency ranges, background material settings, etc.) from another model by selecting its corresponding project from the drop down list. Once a project is selected, you can press the Select button in order to check and adjust which settings will be taken into account for the simulation project creation.

Use reference block's coordinate system

Specify whether the reference block's coordinate system shall be used for creating the simulation project. If this option is selected, the location of the reference block's geometry will stay the same as in the original model.

Link geometry to master model

This options specifies whether the simulation project's geometry shall be automatically updated whenever the reference model changes. Turning off this option de-couples the corresponding simulation project from the reference model.


Pressing this button will open a Select Reference Settings dialog box displaying a list of inheritable settings from the reference model. You can then select which settings will be taken into account for the creation of the new simulation project.


Accepts the current settings and closes the dialog box. In simulation project creation mode, the new project will then be created. In edit mode, the new solver type will be set for the existing simulation project. If necessary, the corresponding project will be opened in order to apply the changes.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Select Reference Settings, Simulation Project Creation Mode, Simulation Task Overview, Create New Simulation Project - Field Sources