MWS/CS Block Properties - Solver

Navigation Tree: Blocks<Block Name>PropertiesSolver

This dialog page shows block specific solver settings of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO or CST CABLE STUDIO blocks.

Create S-parameter results

Shows the S-parameter results for the selected block in the navigation tree. This setting will only be considered in S-Parameter simulations when the "Create S-parameter results" option is selected.

Deembed block

De-embedding a block means to consider its inverse physical behavior. Use this option if you want to remove the influence of this block from the attached one.

Use differential ports

This control enables the use of differential ports. Enable this feature if the connected components of at least one non-cable port do not refer to the ideal ground.

Use differential cable ports

This control enables the use of differential ports for cable models. Enable this feature if the connected components of at least one cable port do not refer to the ideal ground.

Use Interpolation

Check this control to interpolate S-Parameter between the sampling points defined in Interpolation Details.


Opens the Interpolation Details dialog box where the range and the number of sampling points can be defined.

Choose a solver

For CST MICROWAVE STUDIO blocks a solver and mesh can be chosen here. The following solver-mesh combinations are available:

  1. Transient (Hexahedral Mesh)

  2. Transient TLM (Hexahedral Mesh)

  3. FD Tetrahedral Mesh (General Purpose)

  4. FD Hexahedral Mesh (General Purpose)

  5. FD Tetrahedral Mesh (Resonant: Fast S-Parameter)

  6. FD Hexahedral Mesh (Resonant: Fast S-Parameter)

  7. FD Hexahedral Mesh (Resonant: S-Parameter, Fields)

  8. Integral Equation Solver

  9. Multilayer Solver

  10. Unknown Solver

The settings for these solvers are taken from the latest settings in the corresponding CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project. If no settings were made, the default settings are taken. The solver choice is a property of the block and not stored in the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project. It determines the solver to run for calculations started by CST DESIGN STUDIO.

Allow CST MWS to synchronize Solver Choice

The solver and mesh settings are automatically synchronized with the results of the corresponding CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project if this checkbox is checked. "Unknown Solver" is selected if no results are present. If this checkbox is unchecked, the solver and mesh settings are not read back from the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO project.

AC/Transient Simulations

Here, you can choose the coupling of the circuit and 3D parts of the project for AC and transient simulations:


No coupling is considered between the cable and other parts of the 3D structure.


This radio button is active when the cable model was created for emi analyses (button in modelling dialog 'Create model for emi analysis'). If it is checked irradiated fields determined by a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO solver are considered for the cable model.


This radio button is active when the model was created for emi analyses (button in modelling dialog 'Create model for emi analysis'). If it is checked fields radiating from the cable model wil be considered for the 3D CST MICROWAVE STUDIO solver. See the AC Simulation Task page for details.

Simulation model

Here, you can choose the cable model for the selected CST CABLE STUDIO block. The following models are available:

Standard model

The standard model represents any associated PEEC or TL model by an RLC network. Skin effect- and/or dielectric losses are taken into account as specified in the associated CST CABLE STUDIO project. The standard model is often more accurate, especially if many terminals are involved.

Dispersive model

If this solver option is checked, model order reduction is applied to any associated PEEC or TL model. For large PEEC models, the dispersive model tends to be faster than the standard model.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Performs your settings without leaving the dialog box.


Shows this help text.

See also

MWS/CS file block, MWS/CS block, MWS/CS schematic block, Block Overview