Interpolation Details

Navigation Tree: Blocks<Block Name>PropertiesSolverDetails

Within this dialog box you can change the settings for the S-parameter / Impedances interpolation.


Note that the validity of the results depend on the proper choice of the sampling range and sampling points.

Parameters List

Parameter: Name of the parameter (not editable).

Min: Minimum parameter value (not editable). The value of the parameter and the interpolation minimum cannot be smaller than this value.

Max: Maximum parameter value (not editable). The value of the parameter and the interpolation maximum cannot be greater than this value.

Interpolation data:

Min: Minimum value for interpolation. Together with the interpolation maximum, a range is specified in which the interpolation should be used. The number of samples defines the number of sampling points for the parameter.

Max: Maximum value for interpolation.

Samples: Number of sampling points between the minimum and maximum.

Assign values only to block

The interpolation settings (min, max, samples) are only assigned to the actual selected block. This is the default.

Assign values to all blocks of this type

The interpolation settings are assigned to all blocks of the same type in the design. You can use this feature to quickly change the settings for all blocks.

Assign values to global library

If the block is a Library block the values can be assigned to the library and will be used as default values in all projects which uses this library element. Caution: This feature could also affect other projects.

Reset to Default..

for selected parameter: Resets all values for the selected parameter. If the block is a CST MICROWAVE STUDIO block, the values are reset to the last saved (when changing the values and press OK) state. In the case of a Library block, the values are reset to the default library values.

for all parameters: All values for all parameters are reset.


Accepts your settings and leaves the dialog box. The new element is added to the library.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text


See also

Enable Interpolation