Field coupled workflows

As a prerequisite for a field solver coupling, the cable model has to be prepared accordingly (see Coupling to 3D field solver). Uni-directional means the data exchange between circuit simulator and 3D field solver does only happen in one direction, either the common mode current on the cable is transferred to the 3D field solver or the common mode voltage along the cable is transferred to the circuit simulator. The advantage of the uni-directional field coupling is its robustness and stability. Its disadvantage is that field resonance effects will not be considered, in contrast to the bi-directional case).


Closed current loop in 3D field domain

A circuit to 3D field coupling implies that the set-ups in both domains agree with each other and indeed most of the settings are done automatically by the program without any need of interaction by the user. But the loading of the cable terminals needs special attention, since the circuit domain allows an additional degree of freedom compared to the 3D field solver when it comes to the handling of currents at the cable ends.

The figure below shows a Route placed over a ground plane in he 3D field domain.



The Route includes a single wire and the corresponding set-up in the circuit domain is shown in the next figure:



The schematic shows a closed current path, which is enabled by the virtual ground symbols. A current through the cable terminals will flow (presumed that the yellow port includes an excitation source) and this contradicts the corresponding set-up in the 3D field domain, where a current at Node N1 and Node N2 isn't able to flow, since there is no connection to the ground plane. Allowing such a set-up would lead to not intended charge accumulation and to wrong electric and magnetic fields in the 3D field domain.


In order to prevent the user from inconsistent set-ups, the user is recommended to use the automatic connection to metallic environment function, which is featured inside the Route definition dialog box. After preparing nodes N1 and N2 for the connection possibility to the metallic environment and a further modeling step (Modeling), the 3D field domain set-up looks like in the figure below. Two vertical PEC wires are added by the program which provide a galvanic connection from the ground plane to the location of node N1 (and N2):


These vertical PEC wires do not automatically connect or short any terminals from the cable inside the Route! They only provide an possible connection and this fact can be visualized by activating the Use differential cable ports inside the Properties dialog box of the schematic block as shown in the figure below:



In the schematic two additional pins N1_Ref and N2_Ref appear. The pins symbolize the "upper" end of the yellow PEC wires. One can imagine an infinitesimal short gap between N1_Rw1 and N1_REF (and between N2_Rw1 and N2_REF) in the 3D field domain. Now, closing the connection between N1_Rw1 and N1_REF (and N2_Rw1 and N2_REF)  means to enable the current flow on both sides, in the circuit but also in the 3D field domain.




For all field coupled workflows the user is recommended not to use any virtual ground symbols in the circuit domain. The additional ground pins, provided by the Defining connection to metallic environment feature prevent the user for setting up inconsistent simulation projects.


Uni-directional / AC

The uni-directional workflow for the frequency-domain (AC) differs from the uni- or bi-directional workflows for the time-domain (Transient). In case of uni-directional / AC the workflow is separated in two steps: a pure circuit simulation and a pure 3D field simulation. Both steps communicate with the help of so called current fieldsources and voltage monitors. The order of the two steps depends on whether a radiation or an irradiation analysis shall be performed. A radiation analysis requires a circuit simulation as a first step. Here, the common mode currents on the cables are calculated and stored inside current fieldsources. In a second step, the current fieldsources can be taken as a field excitation within the 3D field domain. An irradiation analysis requires a 3D field simulation first. Here, the tangential electric field along the cable is calculated and stored in so called voltage monitors. In a second step these voltages monitors will be taken as imprinted voltage excitation within the circuit domain.


In order to decide on either the radiation or the irradiation case, the user has to right mouse click on the schematic block and choose Properties from the pull-down menu. A dialog will appear where the tab Solver has to be selected:



As solver either Transient (Hex. Mesh) or Transient TLM (Hex. Mesh) has to be chosen.

The AC/Transient Simulations frame allows to decide whether a radiation analysis with the generation of current fieldsources or a irradiation with the consideration of voltage monitors shall be performed.  

In the  Simulation Model frame the Standard model interpretation must be chosen. (the Dispersive model is not possible for any kind of field coupling analysis).



The workflow is strictly separated into two steps. First, an AC-task, which requires an excitation source, has to be launched in CST DESIGN STUDIO. It is recommended to use a small number of frequency points only, since the number of frequency points correlates with the simulation time for the 3D field simulation. After the AC-task has been finished, the user has to change into the 3D modeler tab and open the T-solver dialog box. The Excitation List will be automatically filled with the current fieldsource from the AC-task:



The kind of 3D solver technology can be changed by selecting the corresponding Mesh type: Hexahedral stands for FIT, Hexahedral TLM for TLM. An additional field source (e.g. a plane wave excitation) can be considered by activating the Superimpose plane wave excitation (as shown in the figure below). The simulation starts after pressing the Start button.




The workflow is also separated into two steps. First the user has to set an excitation source (e.g. a plane wave excitation or an antenna with a discrete port excitation) in the 3D modeler. The maximum frequency value Fmax for the 3D field solver is automatically synchronized with the maximum valid frequency of the cable model (Maximum valid frequency). In order to chose the 3D solver technology, the corresponding Mesh type (Hexahedral or Hexahedral TLM) has to be selected in the T-solver dialog box (as explained for the Radiation case, see figure above). After all settings are done the Apply button has to be pressed, the T-solver dialog box can be closed and the user has to change to CST DESIGN STUDIO.

Here, the user has to select the irradiation case in the Solver tab of the schematic block (right mouse click on the schematic block, choose Properties from the pull-down menu and select  Solver tab). The irradiation analysis is started by simply launching an AC-task. The program automatically starts the 3D field solver first and the tangential electric fields along the cables will be calculated and internally stored as voltages sources. After the 3D field calculation, the circuit simulation process starts without any additional interaction from the user. This automatic connection of the two steps (first step: 3D field calculation, second step: circuit simulation) has been implemented in order to guarantee consistent voltage values from the 3D field solver (if a 3D field calculation could be started independently it could not be guaranteed that the internal stored voltage values along the cable were consistent to the subsequently started circuit simulation).


Uni-directional / Transient

In contrast to the uni-directional / AC workflow, the uni-directional / Transient workflow is not separated into two steps. The communication between circuit and 3D field domain takes place on every time step and doesn't afford any field sources or voltage monitors. The whole simulation process can be started within a Transient-task from CST DESIGN STUDIO, regardless whether a radiation or irradiation analysis has to be performed. The radiation and the irradiation case differ only in the kind of data exchange: In case of a radiation analysis only the common mode current on the cable is transferred from the circuit to the 3D field domain. In case of an irradiation analysis only the voltages along the cable are transferred from the 3D field to the circuit domain.

The decision on either radiation or irradiation is done with the same dialog as for the uni-directional / AC case: right mouse click on the schematic block, choose Properties from the pull-down menu and  selecting the Solver tab:



As solver either Transient (Hex. Mesh) or Transient TLM (Hex. Mesh) has to be chosen.

The AC/Transient Simulations frame allows to decide whether a radiation analysis with the generation of current fieldsources or a irradiation with the consideration of voltage monitors shall be performed.  

In the  Simulation Model frame the Standard model interpretation must be chosen. (the Dispersive model is not possible for any kind of field coupling analysis).


In order to prepare a Transient- task for an uni-directional simulation, the CST CS co-simulation button (inside the Circuit simulator frame) has to be activated as shown in the figure below:



On the 3D field domain side the maximum frequency value Fmax is automatically synchronized with the maximum valid frequency of the cable model (Maximum valid frequency). In addition, the corresponding Mesh type (Hexahedral or Hexahedral TLM) inside the T-solver dialog box has been automatically selected according to the selected solver technology in CST DESIGN STUDIO.


Bi-directional / Transient

From the user point of view the bi-directional/Transient workflow is almost identical to the uni-directional/Transient case. The communication between circuit and 3D field domain takes place on every time step and the whole process can be started within a Transient-task from CST DESIGN STUDIO. In the bi-directional case, both domains exchange their data simultaneously: the common mode current on the cable is transferred from the circuit to the 3D field domain, whereas the voltages along the cable are transferred from the 3D field to the circuit domain. This simultaneous data exchange supersedes the distinction between radiation and irradiation. Circuit and 3D field domain interact and cable-to-field resonances will be considered.


The set-up dialog in CST DESIGN STUDIO (right mouse click on the schematic block, choose Properties. from the pull-down menu and select the Solver tab) recognizes if the cable model is prepared for bi-directional/Transient. In this case it prevents the user from distinguishing between radiation or irradiation and the only remaining choice for the user is to select the 3D field solver technology as it is shown in the figure below:



In the  Simulation Model frame the Standard model interpretation must be chosen. (the Dispersive model is not possible for any kind of field coupling analysis).

The remaining steps to set-up a bi-directional analysis are identical to the uni-directional/Transient case: Inside the Transient-task dialog box of CST DESIGN STUDIO the CST CS co-simulation button has to be activated. On the 3D field domain side the maximum frequency value Fmax is already synchronized with the maximum valid frequency of the cable model and the corresponding Mesh type (Hexahedral or Hexahedral TLM) inside the T-solver dialog box has also been selected automatically according to the selected solver technology (see figure above).