
Cables: Modeling 2D(TL) Modeling Modeling

Once the meshing is completed the user has to decide on the characteristic features the equivalent circuit of the cable harness should get. This can be done with the help of the Modeling tab.



Coupling to 3D field solver

There are three options how a simulation can be performed and the options are related to the kind of coupling with a 3D full wave solver:

In case of an uni- or bi-directional field coupling, the equivalent circuit has to consist of several segments with lumped elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors) in series.  Deciding for either uni- or bi-directional field coupling makes the Allow modal models button vanish.


General scheme of current/voltage exchange:



Visualizing the different calculation domains between none / uni-directional and bi-directional field coupling:



Assumption for cables with more than one wire for uni- /  bi-directional field coupling:




Allow modal models

The standard way of modeling transmission lines is to use a series of segments consisting of so called lumped elements, which model the primary transmission line parameters per unit length R', L', C'. The corresponding geometric length of a single segment is chosen by the program in such a way that its length will be significantly smaller than the smallest wave length given by the field Model valid up to frequency. The shorter the segments are the better the approximation of the transmission line effect is. The right choice of the segment length has an serious impact on an important transmission characteristic: the phase velocity or transmission delay. The internal rule is: a segment must have a maximum length of 1/20th. of the smallest wave length. The lumped elements model is the only choice when it has to be used for an uni- or bi-directional field coupling.

In case of no field coupling, the user can decide to use modal models instead.  Modal means the cable is not modeled by its primary transmission line parameters but by its secondary parameters wave impedance Z and transmission delay t. A simple modal model consist of two resistors on each side modeling the wave impedance Z. In addition, there are two controlled voltage sources on both sides: the voltage source on one side at time point "t" is controlled by a voltage which existed at time "t-t" on the other side of the transmission line.



There are two important advantages of the modal model: First, the transmission delay is an essential characteristic of the model and has not to be approximated as it is the case for the lumped models. Therefore, the modal model is more accurate than the lumped model in any case. Second, a modal model needs only one single segment to describe the whole transmission line, no matter how long the transmission line actually is. Therefore, the modal model leads to less complex models in case of electrical long transmission lines.

The disadvantage of modal models may be an increased simulation time during a transient analysis, when even very short cable segments are modeled by modal models, too. This is because the maximum time step during a transient task must no exceed the transmission delay of the shortest modal model (otherwise the model's delay characteristic wouldn't be resolved). If the  Allow modal models button is activated the program looks for cable segments which equal or exceed the minimum wave length (specified by the field Model valid up to frequency) and model them as modal models. The remaining, electric short segments will be still modeled as lumped models.


Model valid up to frequency

With the help of this field, the user determines the maximum valid frequency range of the model. In case of  an unchecked Allow modal models button this frequency value should be determined sensible, because the higher the frequency the more complex the resulting equivalent circuit and this affects the speed during the later network simulation. There is a upper frequency limit that can not be exceeded. This is because the modeling of the transmission lines is done by static capacitances and inductances. This approach demands the dimension of the transmission line's cross-section to be significantly smaller than the shortest wave length of the signal traveling on the transmission line. As a result the equivalent circuit generated after the modeling process has an upper frequency limit and the usage of this circuit within CST DESIGN STUDIO is only allowed up to this limit.


Ohmic losses

This button controls the modeling of the frequency dependent ohmic losses or in other words the Skin effect. By checking this button the Skin effect will be taken into account. The program approximates the increase in ohmic resistance and decrease in internal inductance of a conductor over the specified frequency range, from DC up to the maximum frequency specified in the field Model valid up to frequency. The way of how the impedance changes over frequency depends on the general shape of the conductor. The program distinguishes between circular wire shapes and thin strip shapes. For both shape types CST CABLE STUDIO provides a solution for the two different kinds of model interpretations inside the circuit simulation. For a more detailed explanation see Ohmic loss modeling.


Dielectric losses

This button allows to take into account the loss angle of all isolating materials. As a prerequisite the loss angle has to be assigned to the corresponding materials in the Material Library. The program approximates a constant loss angle over the specified frequency range, from DC up to the maximum frequency specified in the field Model valid up to frequency. The crucial point in dielectric loss modeling is to keep the model causal. CST CABLE STUDIO provides a solution for the two different kinds of model interpretations inside the circuit simulation. For a more detailed explanation see Dielectric loss modeling.


Options frame

In order to determine the primary transmission line parameters, a static two-dimensional field calculation has to be performed. This is done using the Methods of Moments on basis of a meshed cable cross-section. With help of  the Accuracy field, the user is able to control the mesh with respect of different degrees of accuracy:

Switching from normal to medium increases the number of mesh elements by a factor of two, thus yielding more accurate models. In this case the calculation effort will increase with the power of three, though. In the same way a factor of 2 is applied when changing from medium to high or from high to very high. The default value is normal and this is sufficient for most of the typical cross-sections.

With the help of the Signal Type of Unselected Signals field, the user is able to control whether unselected signals are treated as grounded or floating wires during the static field calculation. Floating or grounded wires won't be modeled with an equivalent circuit but will affect the capacitance and inductance of the transmission line system. A floating conductor has no specific load conditions and therefore doesn’t hold a special electric potential. A ground conductor on the other side is shortened to ground and holds earth potential (0V) everywhere. A switch from float to ground or vice versa can change the capacitances and inductances of the selected signal, but usually has only minor effect on the modeling results. The default value is float.


Export model frame

Besides the standard workflow of simulating the equivalent circuit with CST DESIGN STUDIO there is the possibility to export the circuit for the usage within another circuit simulator. After the modeling has finished the  Export model frame allows to export the generated equivalent circuit in various SPICE formats. In the  Export to file field the user can specify the directory and file name where the equivalent circuit should be stored. The  Model name field allows the definition of the circuit's name, which will appear in the header of the resulting model file (e.g. in the .SUBCKT line of the SPICE equivalent circuit). The Simulator field gives a selection of syntax formats the model can be written to. A click on the Export Model button on the bottom right starts the export process.


Start Modeling

The modeling process can be started by pressing the Start Modeling button. If the meshing procedure hasn’t been started before (by pressing the Start  Meshing button in the Meshing tab) it will be automatically done now. At the end of the modeling process an equivalent circuit will be created and can be used for a further simulation in CST DESIGN STUDIO.