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Smith Tool > A Smith Tool ExampleThis topic describes the use of the Smith Tool in designing input and output matching networks for a single-transistor amplifier. The design goal for this amplifier is to obtain maximum gain with a noise figure of 5 dB. 1. Load the project SmithToolMatching.adsn from Designer’s Examples/Nexxim Circuit subdirectory, analyze the project, and display its Amplifier Responses data table report. 2. On the Nexxim Circuit menu, select Smith Tool. 3. Check the amplifier stability at the source and load planes. Select the Display tab, choose Stability K (S-Plane) from the list of Circles responses, and then click Apply to display the source plane stability circle. 4. Choose Stability K (L-Plane), and then click Apply to plot the load-plane stability circle. Because both circles lie outside the Smith chart, the circuit is unconditionally stable. 5. Still in the Smith Tool’s Display tab, choose Noise from the Circles response list, type 5 in the Start box, and click Apply to display the circle. Terminating the amplifier with the impedance represented by the point of tangency between this circle and an available-gain source-plane circle [Avail. Gain Ga (S-Plane)] will result in the maximum gain achievable for a noise figure of 5 dB. As a first step in determining that gain, plot a series of circles from 12 to 15 dB in steps of 1 dB: 1. Type 12 in the Circles Start box. 2. Type 15 in the Stop box. 3. Type 1 in the Incr box. 4. Click Apply. Inspection of this circle family suggests that the circle for a gain of just under 15 dB would be tangent to the 5 dB noise circle. A few iterative Avail. Gain Ga (S-Plane) circle trials will reveal that a 14.8 dB circle just touches the 5 dB noise circle, so the answer is 14.8 dB.
The topics for this section include: Designing the Input Matching Network Designing the Output Matching Network
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