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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Ports In Designer >
       Interface Ports >
           Setting Up Ports as Differential Pairs               

Setting Up Ports as Differential Pairs

A differential pair represents two circuits, one positive and one negative, which are routed close together so that they pick up nearly the same amount of noise. The two signals are then subtracted from each other by a receiver, yielding a much more noise-free version of the signal.

You can define existing ports to be differential pairs by first selecting the ports and then accessing the Differential Pairs dialog. With existing ports selected, the Differential Pairs dialog is opened in one of the following ways:

• In PlanarEM, right-click the Excitations folder in the Project Manager and then select Differential Pairs. Alternately, you can click PlanarEM > Differential Pairs.

• In Nexxim, right-click on the Ports folder in the Project Manager and then select Differential Pairs.


When you select New Pair in the Differential Pairs dialog, the selected ports are paired, and from these new pairs quantities are then derived. The following controls are also available:

• Positive/Negative — Terminals that make up the differential pair.

• Active — An active pair appears in the cell selection list. Selecting the column header activates or deactivates all pairs.

• Diff.Name — Name for the differential mode.

• Ref.Z — Differential mode reference impedance.

• Comm.Name — Name for the common mode.

• Ref.Z — Common mode reference impedance.

• New pair — Adds a new pair to the table. The pairs may be arbitrarily chosen by clicking in the Positive and Negative cells and choosing a new terminal name. If New pair is disabled, all possible pairs have been added to the table.

• Remove selected — Removes the highlighted row.

• Set impedance for selected column — To set the reference impedance for an entire column, select the column (Ref. Z), enter a value, and click Set impedance. The entire column will be populated with the specified reference impedance.

• Clear errors — Invalid values, such as terminal names and impedances and so forth, are reported in the status area. Clear errors restores the invalid cell back to its previous value.

When differential pairs have been set up, the Diff.Name and Comm.Name entries are available in reports. See Reports with Differential Pairs for details.

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