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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Viewing Matrix Data       

Viewing Matrix Data

To view matrices computed for the S-parameters, impedances, and propagation constants during each adaptive, non-adaptive, or sweep solution:

1. In the project tree, right-click the solution setup of interest, and then click Matrix Data on the shortcut menu.

The Solution Data dialog box appears. The Matrix Data tab is selected.

2. In the Design Variation text box, specify the design with the matrices you want to view.

Optionally, choose a design variation solved during an Optimetrics analysis from the Set Design Variation dialog box. This lists all the solved variations in the design.

3. In the Simulation pull-down list, click the solution setup and solved pass - adaptive, single frequency solution, or frequency sweep - for which you want to view matrices.

4. Select the type of matrix you want to view: S-matrix, Y-matrix, Z-matrix, Gamma, or Zo (characteristic impedance.) The available types depend on the solution type.

5. Select the format in which to display the matrix information. The available formats depend on the matrix type being displayed.

6. Select the solved frequencies to display:

• To display the matrix entries for all solved frequencies, select All Freqs. It is selected by default.

• To show the matrix entries for one solved frequency, clear All Frequencies and then select the solved frequency for which you want to view matrix entries. For adaptive passes, only the solution frequency specified in the Solution Setup dialog box is available. For frequency sweeps, the entire frequency range is available.

• To insert of delete one or more displayed frequencies, click Edit Freqs. This command is only available if the sweep type is Fast or Interpolating. If you choose to export the matrix data for the Fast or Interpolating sweep after modifying the frequencies in the Edit Frequencies dialog box, only those frequencies displayed under the Matrix Data tab will be exported.

The data is displayed in the table. By default, Waveports are listed in alphabetical, then numerical order, just as they appear in the excitation tree. To change the port order, change setting for Default Matrix sort order in the Designer General options.


The topics for this section include:

Selecting the Matrix Display Format

Exporting Matrix Data

Renaming Matrix Data

Exporting Equivalent Circuit Data


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