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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Viewing Matrix Data >
       Exporting Equivalent Circuit Data           

Exporting Equivalent Circuit Data

You can export S-parameter data from a Driven Terminal solution to PSpice, HSPICE, or Spectre Spice format. Afterwhich, you can import the new data file to PSpice, HSPICE, or Spectre Spice, which will enable you to include wave effects in the circuit simulations. You can also export a W-Element model for a port.


You must have a frequency sweep solution and five or more frequency points to successfully export an equivalent circuit data file. Exporting to an equivalent circuit data file format is appropriate for solutions matrices that are not based on differential pairs.

Certain discrete sweeps for Full-Wave SPICE exports. It is allowed if the discrete data is evenly spaced, includes DC, and has at least 500 frequency points.

1. In the project tree, right-click the solution setup of interest to bring up the shortcut menu, then select Matrix Data (for Nexxim, select Export Solution). The Solution Data window appears.

2. Click Equivalent Circuit Export. The Equivalent Circuit Export Options dialog box appears.

3. Type the name or browse to the directory in which you want to store the data.

4. Click one of the following formats in the Format list:


PSpice (*.lib)

Star HSpice (*.sp)

Spectre (*.spc)

Your format selection affects the options available under Full Wave Spice Export.

5. If the Full-Wave Spice Export checkbox is enabled, you can select it. Checking the box enables the text field for the file name, and depending on the format selection, other options may be enabled. For PSpice and Maxwell Spice formats only the file name field is enabled. For Spectre and Star HSpice formats, the following fields are enabled:

• Desired Fitting Error

• Maximum Order

• Optionally, select Use Common Ground to combine references in the exported file

• Optionally, select Enforce Passivity

The passivity check tests whether the S-parameter data from Designer is passive or not. Passive devices can only dissipate or temporarily store energy, but never generate it. The mathematical definition of passivity is based upon the following condition:

Q = I - conjugate(transpose(S)) * S must be a positive semidefinite matrix


S is the S-parameter matrix and I is an identity matrix

A positive semidefinite matrix has only non-negative eigenvalues. The passivity test computes the eigenvalues of the matrix Q above at each frequency in the sweep. If any of the eigenvalues is negative, and larger (in magnitude) than the specified passivity tolerance, then a violation of passivity is reported to the user. The default value for passivity tolerance is 5 percent tolerance above 1.0 magnitude.

6. Optionally, select Lumped Element Export if you want to save the data as a low-frequency circuit model using simple lumped elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors, and dependent current sources). This option is not enabled for Spectre export.

7. Partial Fraction Expansion for Matlab

8. Click OK.


The S-matrices are written to the data file that you specified in the equivalent circuit data format.


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