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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Setting Report Options >
       Setting Report2D Options >
           Report2D Options: General Tab               

Report2D Options: General Tab

These options are set on the General tab of the Report2D Options dialog box.

1. Background Color — set the color by double clicking to display the Set color dialog. Select a default or custom color and click OK.

2. Contrast Color — set the color by double clicking to display the Set color dialog. Select a default or custom color and click OK.

3. Highlight Color — set the color by double clicking to display the Set color dialog. Select a default or custom color and click OK.

4. Accumulate Depth — sets the maximum number of accumulated traces on a single report. When Accumulate Depth is turned on (i.e., set to a non-zero value), you can run an analysis to generate a plot, then change some parameter value(s) and run another analysis. The newly generated plot now contains both old and new results so that you can compare. The plot keeps adding new results with each subsequent analysis until the accumulate length is reached.

5. Curve Tooltip Option — use the checkboxes to toggle the following properties:

a. Show Trace Name

b. Show Variation Key

c. Show Solution Name

6. Clipboard Option - use the drop down menus to specify the following properties:

a. Capture Aspect Size Ratio — this can be As Shown or Full Screen.

b. Capture Background Color — this can be As Shown or White.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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