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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup >
   Specifying Solution Settings >
       Add HFSS Solution Setup >
           HFSS Setup: Advanced Meshing Tab               

HFSS Setup: Advanced Meshing Tab

Click the Advanced Meshing tab of the Add HFSS Solution Setup dialog to access the following settings.


• Circle and arc approximation: circles and arcs must be replaced with straight edge approximations before meshing. There is no attempt to match areas; points are simply introduced on the original arc at the locations specified by the following parameters.

• Arc setup size: the angular interval below which mesh points are added.

• Starting azimuth for circles: specifies the location of the first mesh point or circles.

• Maximum number of arc points: the maximum number of mesh points on a given arc segment.

• Use arc to chord error approximation technique for arc: the resulting straight edge approximation will not deviate from the original arc by more than the specified error.

— Maximum arc to chord error: maximum distance permissible between a straight edge approximation (the chord) and the original arc.

• Mesh Display Attributes: controls the mesh overlay in Layout.

• Color: the mesh is drawn in the specified color; in Layout3D the layer color is used for the mesh.


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