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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup >
   Adding Frequency Sweeps >
       Generating the Surface Current           

Generating the Surface Current

In the sweep dialog box, select Generate Surface Current and Designer will save the surface current data at every discrete frequency point. This allows you to plot the current and compute near- and far-field quantities at more than one frequency point. Otherwise, the surface current data is saved at the adaptive frequency point of the last adaptive pass, if specified. If Generate Surface Current is not selected and an adaptive solution is not being performed, surface current data is not saved.

Keep the following things in mind when generating the surface current:

• Gain, axial ratio, far fields, and near fields require the surface current. If you choose not to save the surface current and do not perform an adaptive solution, commands associated with these values will not be available.

• The Generate Surface Current option is only available if you select Discrete as the type of frequency sweep. For a Fast Interpolating frequency sweep, the surface current data is only saved at the adaptive frequency.


If you are simulating over many frequency points, it is recommended that you do not select Generate Surface Current, since the resulting surface current file may get very large.

• For problems with plane waves (Planar EM only), the Generate Surface Current option is always selected.


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