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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Setting Up Excitations >
   Creating Coupled Ports From Existing Edge Ports       

Creating Coupled Ports From Existing Edge Ports


To create coupled port from an existing Edge Port:

1. Create two or more Edge Ports using the procedure described in Creating an Edge Port.

2. Use the Select elements tool to select the Edge Ports that you want to include in the layout editor. (Do not use the Select Edges tool.) The ports must lie in the same plane, be collinear and cannot touch.

3. Right-click Excitations in the project tree (or open the Draw menu) and select Couple Edge Ports. The coupled ports now share the same port name, but have different terminal names: <PortName>:<TerminalName>.

To decouple ports, click one or more of the coupled ports and right-click Excitations in the project tree (or open the Draw menu) and select Decouple Edge Ports. Alternately, you can also decouple by selecting a port beneath Excitations in the project tree and selecting Decouple Edge Port. You can also decouple by deleting one or more of the coupled ports.

Related Topics

Coupled Ports


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