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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
   Nexxim Simulation Process >
       Nexxim Options >
           Analysis-Specific Options               

Analysis-Specific Options

In a schematic, you can define sets of analysis-specific options with the Add Solution Options selection. You can then select one of your defined option sets when you create or edit a solution setup. Using this mechanism, you can use the same option set in multiple analysis setups, or use different option sets in the same solution setup by editing the setup.

Designer offers three ways to create an option set:

•  Click the Add Solution Options selection from the Circuit pulldown.

•  Click the Add Solution Options selection from the pulldown on the Analysis icon in the Project tree.

•  Click the Select button in the Solution Option panel in a Solution Setup dialog.

Any of these actions opens the Solution Options dialog.

Use the Name field in the Solution Options dialog to assign a unique name to the set of options you are defining, or accept the default name.

The Solution Options dialog has seven tabs: General Options, HB Options, DC Options, Transient Options, Oscillator Options, Eye Options, and AMI Options.

General Options Tab

The General Options tab sets options that apply to all Nexxim analyses.

Device Cleanup enables Nexxim to delete unused passive elements (sets device_cleanup=1)

Auto select solver enables Nexxim to automatically select the sparse linear solver (sets auto_select_solver=yes). The default for auto_select_solver is No. When auto_select_solver is set to Yes, Nexxim selects the sparse linear solver that will give the best performance for all simulations specified in the netlist. Setting auto_select_solver can improve performance. However, for large circuits with a short simulation time (for example, with a short-time transient analysis), auto_select_solver may incur a time penalty due to the initialization.

Create state-space system in frequency-domain analysis controls the treatment of S-parameter elements (sets time_domain_s_model=1).

Order with values controls the matrix ordering algorithm (sets order_with_values). By default, order_with_values=0, selecting the default sparse matrix solver. Setting order_with_values=1 selects an earlier solver.

Use 32 bit engine overrides the normal 64-bit engine (Designer option, not settable in the netlist).

Enable HPC for simulation enables Designer and Nexxim to use the resources of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to accelerate simulation and eye rendering (sets use_gpu=1).

Minimum Resistance sets a minimum resistance for floating nodes (sets RESMIN).

•  Refer to Global Analysis Options and Global Device Options for more information on these options.

HB Options Tab

The HB Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim harmonic balance analyses. See Harmonic Balance Analysis Options for details on the HB analysis options.

DC Options Tab

The DC Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim DC operating point analyses. See DC Analysis Options for details on the DC analysis options.

Transient Options Tab

The Transient Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim transient analyses. See Transient Analysis Options for details on the transient analysis options.

Oscillator Options Tab

The Oscillator Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim oscillator analyses. See Oscillator Analysis Options for details on the oscillator analysis options.

Eye Options Tab

The Eye Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim VerifEye and QuickEye analyses. See Eye Analysis Options for details on the Eye analysis options.

AMI Options Tab

The AMI Options tab sets options that apply only to Nexxim AMI analyses. See AMI Analysis Options for details on the AMI analysis options.

When you have completed setting options, click OK to exit the dialog. The named set of options is added to the Analysis icon in the Project tree.

Editing Solution Options

To edit a set of Solution options that has previously been defined:

•  Click on the icon for the option set under the Analysis group in the Project tree. The Solution Option dialog opens. Edit the options, then click OK to exit the Solution Options dialog.

•  Alternatively, click the Select button in the Solution Option panel in a Solution Setup dialog. The Select Solution Options dialog opens. Click on the option set you wish to edit, and click the Edit button. The Solution Option dialog opens. Edit the options, then click OK to exit the Solution Options dialog.



To apply a set of options in a Nexxim analysis, you must add the options in the Solution Setup dialog for a particular analysis. Click the Select button in the Solution Option panel of the Solution Setup dialog to open the Select Solution Options dialog. Click on the name of the option set you want to use, then click the OK button on the Select Solution Options dialog. The name of the selected option appears in the Name field in the Solution Option panel Complete the Solution Setup dialog as described in the topics on the individual analyses.

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