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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Component Editor >
   Creating and Editing Components       

Creating and Editing Components

Use the Edit Component dialog box to:

• Specify or change the component name, description, associated bitmap, and default property values, including those necessary for netlisting, cosimulation, and Solver On Demand operation, as appropriate

• Specify or respecify a graphical symbol to represent the component in the schematic editor

• Specify or change the component terminal properties

• Specify or respecify a footprint to represent the component in the layout editor

The changes you make when creating or editing a library component become part of the current project. (The newly edited component is saved to the project, not back to the library.) If you want to make a new or modified component available for use in other projects, you must save it to a component library (.aclb) file using the Export command in the Edit Libraries dialog.

Note: If you are creating a new component, it is useful to first identify and if necessary, create, the necessary dependencies before defining your component. See the Component Creation Process topic for details.


The topics for this section include:

Recommended Component Creation Process

Editing an Existing Component

Creating a New Component


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