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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Editor Options  >
       Setting Global Layout Options >
           The Object Tab               

The Object Tab

The Object tab is the initial display for global options accessed with Tools > Options > Layout Editor Options, and when local options are accessed with Layout > Settings.

• Draw Connection Points — When selected, enables the display of pin symbols in the layout. Unselected by default.

• Label Vertices on Selected Polygons and Lines — When selected, enables the display of labels (Pt_0, Pt_1, etc.) on vertices of selected polygons and lines in the layout. Unselected by default.

• Symbol Scale Factor — Scale factor for symbol footprints placed in the layout. Default is 0.1.

• Color by Net — Color geometry by net rather than layer. Colors are assigned in the net list dialog.

• Suppress Non-Functional Internal Pads — When this option is enabled, padstack pads are affected in the following ways:

— Top/Bottom pads always draw

— Pads connected to traces from the same net will appear

— Pads intersecting fill material will draw

— Pads not connected to fill or to traces from the same net are suppressed; they will not draw and are not modelled

• Rectangle Description Style — Specifies the method for describing rectangles. Default is to use Two Points. Alternative method uses Center, Width, and Height.

• Measurement Distance Displays — Controls whether measurement displays in layout include a Label with Units, and also how many Significant Digits are displayed.

• Auto Position Microwave Components — When selected, enables the automatic alignment of microwave components placed in the layout. Selected by default.

• Auto Place Components in Free Space — When selected, components placed in a schematic are positioned in Layout in the first available empty position. With regards to CPU time, the empty-position algorithm is relatively expensive. Consequently, if the physical layout of the components is irrelevant, placement of components is faster when this option is disabled.

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