CST MWS局部網格切割短路問題
11 mesh faces/cells are represneted in staircase mode and have been filled with PEC
我爬文了一下, 應該是Mesh網格設定不夠密集, 導致CST默認部分cell/face默認PEC
不過我用Mesh view觀察, 不確定哪部分是有短路的
請問短路在mesh view會有什麼特徵嗎?
另外, 若想對元件local mesh
裡面的參數設定是否可以教導一下, 感謝 : D
短路在mesh view中没有任何特征。
被转换成PEC的网格在mesh view中是被标明的,看看那些网格(PEC)有没有把不该连结的金属结构连接在一起了,如果没有,就没有短路。或者,运行仿真看看,毕竟S参数的结果才能最终说明是否有问题。
CST MWS帮助文件《Advanced Mesh Strategies (Hexahedral)》和《Mesh Problem Handling》。
关于Local Mesh Properties,假设使用默认的六面体网格,请参考CST MWS帮助文件《Mesh Generation Overview》“Local Mesh Properties for Hexahedral Mesh”部分和《Local Mesh Properties (Hexahedral)》。
被转换成PEC的网格在mesh view中是被标明的
请阅读CST MWS帮助文件《Advanced Mesh Strategies (Hexahedral)》:
However, if there are more than two PEC areas in one cell, or if there is one single PEC area that is completely inside of a mesh cell face, the entire critical face or cell must be filled with PEC material. These critical areas / critical cells are then visualised in the mesh view.
Mesh View of critical mesh cells that have been expanded with PEC.