hfss12 full book上最后一个例子有问题请教
hfss 12 full book 上最后一个例子,就是用一个喇叭天线作为辐射源,馈给一个抛物面天线,在仿真抛物面天线时出错,原因是喇叭口辐射源的信号不能取到。哪位高手给看一下是怎么回事。 (59 K) 3
DataLink_example (E:/ansoft_user/hfss12_fullbook_examples/)
[error] Failed to copy file D:/Users/Sun/Desktop/360?????6.lnk to local file 360?????6.lnk. Error: ???????????????? . (10:35:25 下午 一月 15, 2014)
[error] Fail to get presolved data. (10:35:26 下午 一月 15, 2014)
[error] Unable to obtain near field data to support data link for source IncNFWave1. (10:35:26 下午 一月 15, 2014)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:35:26 下午 一月 15, 2014)
你新建另一个工程进行hfss-IE Design建模
还是不行,我用的是15.0在win7 64位下运行,但在winxp下就可以。看来问题出在第一个error上,win7下没有users目录,只有"用户"目录,好像hfss 不支持含汉字的目录。分成两个项目产生同样的error,如下
DataLink_example (E:/ansoft_user/hfss12_fullbook_examples/)
[error] Failed to copy file E:/ansoft_user/hfss12_fullbook_examples/DataLink_example.hfssresults to local file DataLink_example.hfssresults. Error: ????? . (9:54:39 下午 一月 24, 2014)
[error] Fail to get presolved data. (9:54:40 下午 一月 24, 2014)
[error] Unable to obtain near field data to support data link for source IncNFWave1. (9:54:40 下午 一月 24, 2014)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (9:54:40 下午 一月 24, 2014)