在使用static link协同仿真时候有个问题想请教一下
按照手册上说的先建立1D results template> ADS COMPONENT EXPORT,
然后做了parameter sweeping就2个sample点,打算使用file > EXPORT >AGLIENT ads component 导出测试以下,
可是AGLIENT ads component 变成灰色不可点击,可是result folder里面的产生了.mdf 文件阿,请问这是什么原因
最好仔细阅读一下CST帮助文件《Export Agilent ADS Component》,看看有没有什么地方没有满足要求:
There are a few rules and limitations that must be considered when using the Agilent ADS® component export:
1. The ports must be numbered subsequently. This means that a port numbering of 1, 2, 3, ..., N will be fine, but there must not be any ports numbers missing in between (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4 is valid, but 1, 3, 5 is invalid).
2. All S-parameters (the full S-matrix) must be calculated.
3. Currently only up to six ports (including multiple port modes) are supported.
4. Currently only up to nine varying parameters are supported. Parameters depending on other parameters are not counted as well as parameters that are not varied within the current result data file.
.mdf文件是建立并运行1D Result Template: ADS Component Export之后就会生成的,和Export Agilent ADS® Component无关。
你列出的那些点我都注意到了在手册里,肯定不是那些的问题,我已经查过很多次了。如果不做parameter sweeping 我的static link可以工作,没问题。但是一旦做了parameter sweeping, 1D results 里面没有结果,结果会在table里面显示,这时我再想导出Export Agilent ADS® Component就不可以了。
。mdf 文件里面有仿真结果,执行导出就是将其拷贝并移植到cst library 目录circuit folder 下面
真不知道你是怎么“注意”的,第二条里写的那么明白:所有的S参数都要被计算到!你做了PS之后,参数都保存在table里,1D results里没有结果,你自己不都已经注意到了吗,这就不符合第二项要求,当然不能导出了……。
还有点不明白就是 手册里面提到**parametric access** of previously computed S-parameter data。 我的理解是做了parameter sweeping后还可以继续导出结果的,不知道我的理解对不对。而且我看到project folder 里面results 目录里面的sparameter.mdf文件在PS后也会被更新过。如果static link 不可以导出PS的结果,那么每次的导出只是一次简单full ports 的SNP文件的导出,那static link的意义又在哪里呢?
Export Agilent ADS Component (File Export Agilent ADS Component). This option creates a component for use in the Agilent ADS schematic view based on the current mode. The component allows for * *parametric access** of previously computed S-parameter data.
先理解"Static Link"的意义。帮助文件里"Static Link"这个概念是用来和"Dynamic Link"做比较的。看看原文《Agilent ADS® Co-Simulation Overview》:
Static Link: The ”static” link (ADS® 2003A and above) requires parametric CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® results to be computed before the component is used within ADS®. The results are written into a local database which is then interpreted by the component. The circuit simulator automatically interpolates the S-parameter between the pre-computed samples. The static link can be used for structures with up to 6 ports.
Dynamic Link: Moreover, the ”co-simulation” alternative enables ADS® to launch CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® in order to automatically calculate required data. All information is stored together with the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® model to avoid unnecessary repetitions of lengthy EM simulations. The co-simulation interface requires ADS® 2005A or above.
原文的意思应该是:静态连接(Static Link)时需要的全部S参数矩阵结果必须提前计算好,相对应的动态连接(Dynamic Link)是在需要计算的时候再调用MWS计算需要的数据。这个类似于DS和Transient Co-Simulation。
好,接下来看看在Static Link里使用参数扫描(Parameter Sweep)。按照帮助文件《Agilent ADS® Co-Simulation Overview》里的描述,Static Link和Dynamic Link是可以使用参数扫描的:“Once the result template is defined, you can run simulations for various parameter settings.”也就是说,1D Resutl Template里面定义的ADS Component Export是包括了参数扫描信息在内的。不过,在帮助文件《Export Agilent ADS Component》里也列出了我在1楼里列出的那四项要求。
首先,我使用的一个固定的mesh cell数目,然后我将simulation settings里面设置为all port and all mode, 然后去做parameter sweeping,reslt watch 里面只用postprocessing data...点击edit可以看到ADS Component Export.