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HFSS online help > Post Processing and Generating Reports >
Viewing Solution Data
To view an adaptive solution's mesh information, either during or after the solution process:
1. In the Project tree, right-click the solution setup of interest, and then click Mesh Statistics on the shortcut menu.
The Solutions dialog box appears with the Mesh Statistics tab selected.
For HFSS projects, the table lists the design elements and for each includes: Num Elements, Min edge length, Max edge length, RMS edge length, min tet vol., max tet vol., mean tet vol. and standard deviation.
For HFSS-IE projects, the Mesh data table is similar but includes min, max, and mean element area information instead of tet volume information.
If mesh repairs have been performed, two additional columns appear in the table; Recovered %, Repaired %. These columns indicate the fraction of an object that was successfully recovered and the fraction that needed some repair.
To toggle the mesh statistics display from low to high values or visa versa:
1. Click on the column header.
This displays a shadowed triangle pointing down to indicate a list ordered from highest to lowest, and a triangle pointing up to indicate a list ordered from lowest to highest. Clicking again inverts the current order.
Click on blank cell above the object list to invert the order of objects, though in this case, the cell does not display a directional triangle.
Related topics
Technical Notes: The Finite Element Method
Technical Notes: The Mesh Generation Process
Ansys HFSS,Ansoft HFSS online help,Version 15.0. |
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