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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Transmission Line Designer >
   TRL Overview >
       Typical TRL Dialog           

Typical TRL Dialog

After choosing the desired transmission line type and selecting the substrate, the main TRL dialog opens.

The TRL dialog features a menu bar which provides control, medium, and configuration selection. A rendition of the selected transmission line configuration and relevant dimensions is displayed at the center of the dialog. Dimensions of the line are arranged on the left, electrical parameters on the right. Two identical input boxes are provided for frequency selection; a number entered in one instantly appears in the second. Depending upon which box you change as well, as the status of the Auto Calculate button (see below), synthesis or analysis may run automatically.


The following dialog features are available:

• The Reset button immediately below the picture resets all the data when you click it.

• The Auto Calculate button immediately below the picture is a toggle with two states, ON and OFF:

Auto Calculate ON – The program automatically runs the calculations each time you update dimensions, electrical parameters or frequency:

• If you change electrical parameters or the number in the Frequency box located next to the Synthesis button, the program performs synthesis of the transmission line.

• If you change dimensions or the number in the Frequency box located next to the Analysis button, the program performs analysis of the transmission line.

Auto Calculate OFF – You must click the Synthesis or Analysis buttons to run the desired calculations after changing values.

• Common data and selections are in the lower right side of the dialog. The substrate section has two sub sections for required and optional data.

• The Units section has drop down dialog boxes for selection of the units for dimensions and frequency and displays the units for Impedance, Electrical length and Resistivity.

• An area is provided for defining metallization parameters. See Conductor Composition for more information.

• Sweep results are shown in an output window at bottom, which displays messages from the simulation session. Data that appears in the output window is also stored into the session log file, the name of which is indicated at the beginning of the session.


Exporting Transmission Lines

Once you have designed a transmission line you may click OK to export the transmission line to the Ansoft Designer® schematic and layout editors, or click Cancel to return to Designer without exporting the transmission line.


Sweep Entries

Line width(s), gap spacing, and frequency may be analyzed over a list of values. This is accomplished by entering three values for the respective parameter: a start value, a stop value, and a step value. These parameters are swept during analysis from the start value to the stop value using the step increments. The following entry example defines a frequency sweep:

1GHZ, 5GHZ, 500MHZ

Οr, with GHz selected as a global frequency unit:

1, 5, .5

The results of a sweep analysis are displayed in the output window and are saved in a log file. Physical to electrical length transformation is disabled during sweep analysis.


Mandatory Entries

Certain data is required for TRL simulation. Dialog fields are highlighted if required entries are omitted. The tables given for each medium type indicates which parameters are required.

Some physical dimensions have default values, and these values are described in the Transmission Lines section and are displayed in the TRL dialog output window during analysis.

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