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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Smith Tool >
   Smith Tool Dialog  >
       Matching Tab           

Matching Tab

The Matching tab in the Smith Tool dialog allows you to add matching networks made up of various components including series and shunt resistors, capacitors, inductors, transmission lines, stubs, and transformers.

Each component is selectable by clicking a corresponding picture button in the Matching tab dialog:

[spacer] Resistor

[spacer] Grounded Resistor

[spacer] Capacitor

[spacer] Grounded Capacitor

[spacer] Inductor

[spacer] Grounded Inductor

[spacer] Transmission Line

[spacer] Shorted Stub

[spacer] Ideal Transformer

[spacer] Open Stub

[spacer] Transmission Line with Reference Node (Nexxim only)



These matching components become available when you start a matching-network design (by clicking the New Match button). Once you have begun a match, you can add it to the network by clicking the button for any matching component. When you add a component to the network, an arc that depicts a segment of its impedance-transformation range appears on the graph:


Click and hold the adjustment box at the end of the arc to display the locus of the component’s possible values:


Drag the adjustment box on the arc to select a value:


Release the adjustment box to set the value:


The Nominal Value, Normalized Impedance, and Normalized Admittance boxes update to show the value of the new component:


•  To change the value of an existing matching component, do either of the following:

— Drag its adjustment box to a new value.

— Select it by clicking its adjustment box, type a new value into the Nominal Value, Normalized Impedance, or Normalized Admittance field, and then press ENTER.

•  To remove the most recently placed matching component, click Delete Last. You can click Delete Last repeatedly to remove multiple components.

•  To copy your matching network to the current circuit as a subcircuit, click Export.




You can create multiple matching networks during a Smith Tool session.

To selectively export one of the networks, click on the network to select/highlight it and then click Export.

If multiple matching networks exist and you do not select one before clicking Export, Smith Tool automatically exports the most recently created network.

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